<br />Regu�ar Meeting of the City Council -- June 28, 2976.
<br />The City Coimc�l met on the above daie with the following
<br />membez°s present: Mayor Demas, Cotmcilmen Curley, Grauel,
<br />Hess and Andersono
<br />A-1 Hess Nloved, Anderson Seconded, that the ininutes of the mee�ing
<br />of JLm.e I4, 1976, be approveds Ro11 Call., Ayes: Curley,
<br />Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />B�-1 Anderson I�ved, Hess Seconded, that Nh�. James S�aeeney' s
<br />rec{uest for final plat approval "Sweeney Soufihview He�ghts"
<br />at abaut the 1700 Block of Alameda be continued to the �neeting
<br />of July 26, 197bo Roll Call, Aye�: Curley, Gra�el, Hess,
<br />Anderson and Demoso Nays: Nonee
<br />C 1 Cur�ley N1�ved, Hess Seconded, that a special meeting be est-
<br />ablished for Wednesday, June 30, 1976, at 5:00 P.M, in the
<br />RoseM1rille City Council Chambers for the purpose of accepting
<br />the assessment roll and setting a da.te for a public hearing on
<br />the I976 speciai assessments and for accepting the Environmental
<br />Assess°�nent Statement from Howard Dahigren Associates regarding
<br />the Hym�.n Freight Company praperty. Roll Ga11, Ayes: L�rley,
<br />Gr�auel, Hess, Ander�son and Demos. Nays: None,
<br />E-1 Curley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Gary McLean's request
<br />fox° minor variance to s�de yard setback and building permit
<br />as pravided by the Lake Shnre zon�g ordinance at 1233 Josephine
<br />Road be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess,
<br />Anderson and D�mase Nays: Nanee
<br />E��2 Grauel i�ved, Gurley Seconded, that the establishment of a
<br />public hearing date on I-�dlund's request for final
<br />pla� �pproval "Hedlund's Sou�hview" at 3Q51 North Fairview
<br />Avenue be coniinued un�il the meetinq of July 26, 197be Roll
<br />Cali, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess, Ariderson and Demose Nays:
<br />Nanee
<br />E-3 Curlsy Nbved, Anderson Seconded, that Tilsen Homes, Inco
<br />request to withdraw their appl�cation for division of lot at
<br />2825 Ag].en Stree� be appiroved, and that the application fee
<br />of $SO be r�efLmdedo Roi1 Cal1, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess,
<br />Anderson and Demoso Nays: Nonee
<br />Ew4 Grauel Mov�d, Anderson Seconded, that the bid far the purchase
<br />o� one new i976 modeZ 3-ton truck chassis and cab be awarded to
<br />Internat�onaZ Harvester Campany, low bidder, in the amount of
<br />$7,480000 Roll Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess, Anderson and
<br />De�noso Nays: Nonee
<br />E-S Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the bid for one 1977 pol�ce
<br />van be awarded to Merit Chevrolet, low bidder, in the amotmt of
<br />$6,294a14, sub�ec� to a maximtm 6o increase for the 1977
<br />RoZl Call, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos.
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />7:30 P.M.
<br />MII�ITES
<br />y�:1ul�.`T►y"l� ►I
<br />GARY Mc.�,F�AN
<br />INC.
<br />BID
<br />BID
<br />