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AGEN�A SECTIQN : <br />Reports and Reco�nenda�ions <br />RE{�UEST FOR C�U�ICtL� �CT(�� <br />NA71NG DEP7./DIV.: <br />inistration <br />ME�TING <br />DAT�: <br />DEPT. <br />t 1 fVO.: iTEM Cl�IPiION: AAGR. REVIEWEO/RECdMMENdS: <br />Gaxy I�,ean requesi for minor var�ance to side yard set back � <br />an.d permit as provided by the LaIce Shore zoning <br />The minor variance baa�d at it's June 22nd meeting recozrnnended approval <br />of Gary McLean's request for minor vari.ance to side yard setback at 1233 <br />Josephine Road. <br />Mr. McLean praposes to construct an addi�ion to his home which wiT.l'extend <br />to within 72 feet of his siae yard pmpexty The required setback is <br />10 feet. The addition will include a garage, three bedrooms and two baths. <br />Mr. Mci�san also proposes to constxuct a family room on the other s�de of <br />his hom�, however, no variance is required. The property own.ex adjacent to <br />the affected s�de yaxd has s�.gned a starement indicating that she is nat <br />opposed to �he variance request. <br />Mr. McLean is also requesting a building perrr►it far �he additizan as provided <br />under the Lake Shore zoning ordinance. The existing hame zs located approxima�ely <br />60 ft, from the lake shore and the proposed ad.di�ion wi11 ex�en� to apprc�ximately <br />58 ft, of the share. No excava�ion. wil.J. be done o'ther than the necessaxy <br />woxk £or the basement, and a11 the ex�stzng large t�ees will xernain on the <br />site. The proposed addition has been reviewe�. by Howard Dahlgren, City Planner <br />and he feels that i.t is a reasonable request. <br />Council Action Requested: Motion. (approving} ( Gary McLean's <br />_ request far minor vaxiance to side yard setback <br />and building perinit as provided by the Lake Share <br />zoning ardinance at 1233 Josephine Rflad. <br />