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AGENpA SECT�ON: <br />MEETI N G <br />��Q���� �Q� �����iL. e�l� � .��� na�E' 6/2£3/76 <br />NAT[NG DEP�./D1V.: <br />R�PORjS °� �EC0�9i�1�ld�RTIQi•!S PUBL�C IJQRYS <br />�7Em No.: �T�� �jTY-iJIUE STREEI" Pr`�VIi�G €'ROGR11i�1 Ai�ID STOF:P�4 SEI'IERS <br />'It�� dISTfiICT I, PROJ£CT PwST--Ld--S5-76-A1 <br />DEP7_ HEAD <br />MGft. REVIEWEd/RECONIMl�NDS: <br />The city statf, cauncil r�er�bers and others �ave been studying tize need ta imprave <br />the city's temporar�y s�ree� system and complpte ti�e storm drainage sysie� for <br />some time now, These investigations led the council on June 14, 3976, to declare <br />that t��e constructio� of �ermaneni streets throughout Roseville was a high policy <br />pri ori �y i t�m. At that same ti me, speci al assessmznt raies ti�rere es�abl i shed i tz a <br />poi i cy forr�at to provi de t[�e i ndi vi dual wi th gui del i nes for i nformati on purposes <br />concerning such a multi-year program underta�cir�g. <br />The need for these improvements becomes more pressZng eaci� day, as the existing <br />roadway faci'[ities are simply wearing out and reaehing the �nd of their life span. <br />I� wou�d, therefor�, be apprapriate at thi.s time to gather inforr,�at�an �o c�nsider_ <br />the initiation of a program to replace all �he exist7ng �er� streets <br />with permanent roadways tha� mee� our de�ign s�andards. <br />It wauld be also apg�a�riate to simultaneously gath�r info�matian for the <br />installa�ion of the storm sewers t�at are remaining to be build t�at are located <br />in ihe.area (District �I) that is �a be camp'leted the first year af the pavinc� <br />program. <br />Rue ta the extensive nature of such under�ak�ng, it is ant�cipated that it would <br />take approximate7y 7 years to complete the necessary work and, therefore, the city <br />has been divided into 7 construct�on districts for t�re purposes of considering <br />such a pragram. <br />RECOh1MEiVD�D ACTIOt�: Acfopti on of a resol uti on orcferi ng ti�e preparati ar� of a <br />feasibi 1-ity regart far the er�t� re stree�t pragram artd th� <br />starm sewers in Distr #1 to be known as P-57-W-SS 76-AI� <br />