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� <br />E-16 Remodelling �1d City HaI1 <br />Co�mmznity Center, Recreatian F� Fire Sration <br />Total <br />$1Q0,000 <br />$370,000 <br />Curley A4oved, Hess Seconded, that a Planned Use Report be <br />subm.itted to the Federal Revenue Sharing �ffice for the seventh <br />en�itlement period (7-1-76 thru 1Z-31-76) in the amount of <br />$87,967 for park Iand. acquisition. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: Curley, <br />Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-17 Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Resolution No. 6381 awarding <br />bid for combined Improvement of 1976, S'I'-76-7A and ST-76-8, Pro- <br />ject A ta J�, T Contracting, Inc., low bidder, in the amount of <br />$7,538.00 be adapted. RaIZ Ca�l, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess, <br />Anderson and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-18 Anderson Moved, Hess Seconded, that Resolution No. 6382 est- <br />ablishing the capital improveFnent program for str�ets an.d storm <br />sewers as a high policy priority be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Curley, Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos, Nays: None. <br />E-19 Gtitrley Moved, Anderson Seconded, tha� Resolution No, b383 revising <br />the street and starm sewer assessment palicies original�.y adopted <br />in 1969 and 1970 and establishing a new city-wide assessment policy <br />for street paving, stoznt sewers,sanitary sewers and water°ma.ins, which <br />is compatible with a multi.--year program of cons�ruction be adopted. <br />Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Gra�uel, Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays: <br />None. <br />!2EVF.IV[TE <br />SHARIN� <br />RESOLUTION <br />N0. 63$1 <br />RESOLUTION <br />N0. 6382 <br />RESOLUTION <br />N0. 6383 <br />E-20 Anderson Moved, Curley Seccm�d, that the r'Iayor and Manager be AGREII��lEN'I' <br />authorized to sign an agreement with Creative Images for the pre- <br />paraiion of an audio visual package, duplicate tape, at <br />a price not to exceed. $4,4000000 Ito11 Ca11, Ayes: Curley, t�raue2, <br />Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-21 Hess I�Ioved, Anderson Seconded., that a Co�ci1 Work Session be V�ORK SESSIaN <br />established for Tuesday, June 15, at 5:00 P.M, in the City Hal1 <br />Council Chambers iar the puxpase of reviewing the audio/visual pre- <br />sentaiion regarding the permanent street improvement program. Ro11 <br />Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demaso Nays: None. <br />E-22 Grauel Moved, Curley Seconded, that Austin P. Keller Construction PRQJECI' <br />of St. Paul be decZared ihe low bidder on the instaliation of a W-76�3 <br />36" watiermain and 12" watermain near Victoria, Project W-7b-3, in <br />the amotmt vf $176,899.44 and upon proper completion of the nec- <br />essary contract forms and provisions the Mayor and 1�Ianager be <br />authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the C�ty of <br />Rosevzlle. Ro1.1 Ca11, Ayes: GY�rley, Grauel, Hess, Anderson and <br />Demoso Nays: None. <br />