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AGEiVDA SECTION : <br />Hearings <br />MEETING 8_9_�b <br />���UEST FOR CO�IAlCIL ►4�TI�� oA��: <br />ORiGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Adm <br />D£Pi. HE�PP'ROVAL. <br />J <br />_- _ F <br />�TFnn [�0.: iTEM D�SCRIPTION: J21ileS Sweeney request for final plat approval MGR_ REVIEWEL}/RECOMAAENOS: <br />�..-� "S�veeney Sauthview �Ieights" at the 17fl� B�ock af A1a�neda <br />The Pl.anning Cor�miisszon at its Sep�ember 3, 1975 meeting toak the fol�owing actian <br />an Mr. Sweeney's request. <br />Mr. G. Johnson moved and A'tr. Kellett secanded. th,at the Commission <br />recornmend approval of James Sweeney's request for preli.minar glat <br />"S�veeney's Sou�hview Heigh�ts" at the Z700 Block of A�.ameda. <br />Mr, V. Johnson moved and Mr. Grauel s�conded, tha'� the mo�ion h� <br />amended to read tihat the Corrnn�ssian recommend. that the City Council <br />investigate the possible purchase of I�•�r. S�veeney's property for park <br />purposes, and that if the property is nofi purchased far park land <br />that the Commission reconunend approval of James S�aeeney's reque�t <br />for prelimznary plat "Sweeney's Southview Heig�-its" at the 1700 bloek <br />oi Alameda. with the condition that the pond area be dedicated to �he <br />Czty of Roseville. Ra1I CaT1 on �he amendment: Ayes_ V. Johnson, <br />Mastei, G�shing and Gxaue�. Nays: Ke11et�, Rukavina and G. Johnson. <br />Ro11 Call� on �he motian as amended: Ayes: V, Jahnson, b�astel, Gizshing <br />and Grauel. Nays: KeJ.lett, Rukavina and G. Johnsan. <br />The Council at i�s Septeznber 8, meeting cdntinued Mr. S�r�eney's request for �r�- <br />Zi�ninaxy plat approval and. referred the appl�catio� to the Parks � Recreatian <br />Cammitt�e �ar �heir review an.d recoTrffnend.ation. The Recreatxan Commi�tee xeviewed the <br />applzcation and zndicated that although the properiy was included zn its ].ang range <br />acquisitaon p�ans, there presently were no funds available for its purchas�. The <br />Cairdnittee also recommendec� that zf a walkway easement around the pond coul.d be ob'tained <br />that ihey would like to see the pand. dedica�ed ta the Ci.ty. However, if the walkway <br />easement was not obtained they would recommend tha:t the pond not be dedicated to.the <br />Gity. The PubZic �Vorks Directox x-�cammendsd tha� if the pond was not dedi.cated to the <br />City that an easement be included in the f�nal plat for purpQSes of storm wa�Cer ponc��ng <br />and purification. <br />The Council at its December I5, 1975 meet�ng, approved A�r. Sweeney's prelzmi.nary plat <br />with the condition that a pond�ng and purification easemen-� be pxovided as ren� by <br />the Rzblic Works Dir�ctor. <br />The hearing on the fina� has be�n. continu�d �xom several meetings becat�e �he hard <br />shells ti�rere not comple�ed.. A•�r. S�aeeney indicated an August 3, that the haxd shells would <br />be prepared and available far the PubJ.�c Works Director's re�riew prior -Co the Augtas� 9, <br />Council meeting. If they are comp�eted, we wi11 make a verbal report to the Council at <br />'�he meeting. AttaChec� is a peti�ion regarcling the preservation of �he property �ox a <br />wildlife area which prampted. the Council to refe� the matter to the Recreation Corrunit�.ee <br />as described above. Alsa attached is a l�-�ter regarding the application from I��rs. King <br />and the Planner's report. <br />Co�cil Action Requested: I�tion {�pproving) {denying) (cantinuirig) A'fr. James <br />Sweeney's rEaues�C iar �inal plat approval "S�veeney's <br />Sou�hview.Heights" at about the 170Q block of Ellameda. <br />