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-� - <br />�; , .::, - • �� � ; <br />-, . �.. �. <br />-��� 1'�������"� <br />-:�.,.�-�°'�"�°" <br />(� <br />NOWARD DAHLGR�N ASSOClATES <br />Ih�ORPQHATEO <br />CON5ULtl1VG PLANNEFis <br />e ONE Ca ROV ELAN D 7ERR�ACE <br />September LG� 39/� MINNEAPQ�,IS� MINNE50TA SS403 <br />6�2•3TY-3539 <br />MEP'I�RA�J�U�I : <br />T0: Raseville Parks atrd �ecreation Committee <br />�ROM: Noward �ahlgren Associates <br />SU8��C7: Sweeney plat and Panding Area <br />l. Attached is a copy of the proposed Sweeney PYat wi�h a potential <br />revis�on as prepared �n consUltation with Char�es Honchell, Publi-C <br />Works Director, and �rank IZn�. The revision contains the same <br />number of lots as originally praposed in the plat referred to �he <br />�lanning Cammission and the Parks and Recreation Committee. 1'he <br />cul-de-sac however, has been moved �Further r�orth (approximately <br />forty (40) feet) so as ta provide addi�ianai depth to particularl,y. <br />Lots 2,3, and 4. This shift ir� the 7o�a�ion of the cl�i-de-sac <br />ass� sts i rt accomrnadati r�g a twel ve (12 }�faot easement, whi ch i f <br />included in the plat, would proVide public access around this portion <br />of the "Sweeney Pond". <br />�. the resultin� sq�are fovtage of each of �he 1a�s is indicated on,the <br />attached p�an. The m�nimum square foatage for such lots in �he City <br />af RoseVilYe Zoning OrdinancE is eleven thousar�d (11,000) sguare fee�. <br />Yau wili nate that all of the lots:exceed that figure: <br />3. Also attached ta t�is report is a capy of a portion of the ovaral� <br />plan prepared for parks acquisition prepared by the Parks and <br />�ecreation Commit�ee, P3anni�g Commission, and City Council in 1960. <br />You will note that the property in �uestian is designated on the map <br />as park "27a". 7he prop�rty consis�ing of approxir�ately five (5) acres <br />af which about one-haif (�} 3s high grou�d, was designated as a play- <br />grou�d si�e as weli as for its natural amenity. The bond i�ssue, of <br />course, did pas� but the Six Hundred �if�y Thavsand Dollars ($fi�0,00D} <br />approved was not adequate to acquire al1 0�' t�e sit�s at that time. �. <br />You wi1� note from the conf�guration of the circles indicating the `` <br />service rad�i t�at the neighborhoad which this park was to serve does <br />not have a park facility wi�hin it. There are of caurse park5 to the • <br />northwest, northeast, and directly to the east in the pea� area along _ <br />Larpenteur Avenu�. �f funds are available, we would suggest that a • <br />park serving this are would c�rtaanly be appropriate. Lacking th� <br />ab�lity �a buy, the City may well wish to consider means of r�aintaining .. <br />the natural aesthetic qua�ity and eco�agy a� the pond�ng area as it � • <br />exis�s today. The plat submi�ted by Mr. Sween�y indicates a dedicatian far � <br />s�orm waier purpos�� by the inc�usion of an easement along the h�gh . �,. �; <br />water line. If the owher wi�l agree, the inclusion af a tw�elve (12} foot �_�>: <br />.j <br />� <br />