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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regtx���° Meeting of' �the Cxty Colui��l �- July 26, 1976e <br />The Ci�� Council met an �he a.borre date wa_th the following <br />members pr�esent: Mayor Demos, Counc�lmen Grauel, Anderson <br />ai2d C�zrYeyo Ab�en�: Councilm,an Hesso <br />A�1 Grau�Z Moved, Anderson Seconded, that �he minutes of �Che <br />�r°egular rn,�e�ing of July 12, I976, be appx°oved, Ro11 C�11, <br />Ayes: Grau�l, Anderson, Cux°Iey �nd Demoso Nays: Nane� <br />Ander�on Mov�ed, Curley Seconded, that the minutes of the <br />special meeting of July 19, 1976� be approvedo Roll Call, <br />Ayes: Gr�ue1, Anderson, Curley and Demoso Nays: None� <br />G�auel Mo�red, Anderson Seconded, that the Cotu�.ciZ j oin the <br />M��or in declaring the week of August 2 th�°oug� August 8, 1976, <br />�.s Recycling for Muscular DysCrophy Assocxation Weeko Roll <br />Cali, Ayes: Grauel, Anderson, Cur�ley and Demoso Nays: Noneo <br />B�1 Cu�°Iey Moved, Anderson Secanded, that the hearzng on Impx°ovem <br />ment SS-W�P-74�12 be adjourned and continue� �o Monday, August 9, <br />1976, at 7:30 aQclock pom, at the Ci�y Hall, Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Gr�ue 1, Anderson, G5.irley and. Demos � Nays : None o <br />B�2 Grauel Moved, Curley Seconded, that the hsarzng on Combined <br />Irrtprorrements SS-WmP�74-15 and 74-16 be adjourned and continued <br />ta Monday, August 9, 197b, at '1:30 o'cloc�c pomo at the City <br />Halla Roll Ca11, Ayes: Grauel, Anderson, Curley and Demosm <br />I��yS: Noneo <br />�. , Gr��ue1 I++Iov-ed, Anderson Seconded, �hat the hearing on Improve � <br />m�n� SSmWmP-�74-27 be adjoux°ned and con�inued �o Monday, <br />l�ugust 9, 1976, at 7:3Q o'c�.ock pom. at �he City Ha11e Rcll <br />Ca11, Ayes: GraueZ, Anderson, Cux°ley and Demosa Nays: N�nea <br />B 4 And�rsmn Nbved, Gii�ley Seconded, that t;he hearing on Improrre� <br />ment W-75-16 be adjou�°ned and con��nued to Manday, August 9, �976 <br />at '7:30 o'clock pomo �.t the City Halla Roll Ca11, Ayes: Grauel, <br />pnderson, Curley and Demasa Nays: Noneo <br />B�5 Grau�l Moved, Andex°son Seconded, �ha� the hear�ng on Imp�°orremen� <br />SS�W�P-74�=17 be adjourned and continued to Monday, August 9, 197b, <br />at 7;30 o'ciock pomo �.t the Czty Hallo Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, <br />Anderson, Curley and Demoso Nays: Noneo <br />B-6 Anderson N1�oved, C��°ley Seconded, that Mr. James S�aeeney''s <br />x°ec{ues� �'or final plat approval "S�reeney's Sou�hv-iew Heights" <br />at abou�. the 1i00 BZock o� A1.ameda t�e contxnuecl. to the meeting <br />ef Augus�t 9, 1976o Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Anderson, C�xri.ey <br />and ]7�mos o Nays : None e <br />7:30 PoMo <br />MINUTES <br />PROCLIIMATION <br />Il�ROVEi�'IENT <br />SSmW-P�74�T2 <br />COMSIN�D <br />IMPROVFl�ZIIVTS <br />SSmWmP-�i4 YS <br />�IND 74� 16 <br />YMPROVIl+�ENT <br />SS�W��P�74m27 <br />�ROVEMEI�TI` <br />W-75-16 <br />IMPR/JVIl�FNT" <br />SScW�P�74�17 <br />J�MES SG�E� <br />