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Juiy �, �976 <br />PLA�IPdING REPDRi <br />G,�S� ������B��: <br />APPLICANT: <br />Ld CAT IO�i : <br />acrzo�3 ��.q�:�sr�o: <br />P�.AI�NII�G CONSIDEi�ATTOi�S: <br />9a2-i5 <br />PJi eni �c-Burroti•�--Trow�i rdge, Ine, <br />1080 ti�lest Coun�y Road E <br />�]arih�rest Corner of Grandvietiv and <br />D�r4 �tiY'°�t <br />Rz; a�� r�5 � ro�^ �- l t� �-1 ard �-2 <br />1. The property in question �s currently zoned single family immed�ately <br />north of �he San-Con offtce site on Grandvieti•r Avenue. The praperty <br />immediately to t�e north of the praperty in question is 2on�d B-3 <br />at tF�e corner of County Road B-2 and Rice Street_ <br />2. Tt�e applicants propose to construct a singie building o-� 6,$00 square <br />fee� with retail uses on the easterly half and office spaee on �he <br />wester7y half {�ontiguous to the single family area on the wes-�). Tney <br />ar� �nerefore reques�ing rezoning from R-1 to B-Z -For the easterly 16S <br />fe�t of Lots 4 tnraugh 10 and R-1 to 8-1 for the remainder of Lats 4 <br />through I0. The appl-icants have bro�ghi in a signed petition from all <br />parties acr.oss the street or contiguous to -�he properties. 0� particular <br />note is the approval of th� cantiguous singie family home immedi�tely <br />�rest of the praposed deve7o�ment. <br />3. A we17-done site pian has been preoared including provisions for drainac�e <br />and 2andscaping. Exteriar elevations of the build�ng have been pre- <br />pared and it would appear that the proposal will be a very attract7ve <br />one cor►fnr�ni ng to the ordi nance re�ui rements i n al l r�es�ects _ <br />4. We suggesi that this corner contiguous to Rice Street and across the <br />street fram the o�fice center is not a 1ikely site for a qualiiy s�ngle <br />family home. It tivauld appear that the proposed bu�lding don� as planned <br />Urould be an attractive salui-ion to �he land use pattern at i,his inter- <br />section. <br />5. �Je are in-Form2d by the State Hi ghti�ray Departmznt tha � they desi ra an <br />addi ti ona7 17 feet of ri ght-o-F--LVay a 1 ong . tni s secti on o-F R� ce Strent . <br />This is a net•r development inasmuch as they have no� previously in-Formed <br />us of thei r des i re to expand ihe �i ght-of-ti•ray i n th� s area . lJe �vi 11 <br />check ti•ri th the Ci ty' s 1 ega7 cour�se3 �o deter�i ne the Ci ty's responsibi 1 i ti es <br />i n vi eL�r of a recent 1 ativ rei ati ng to thi s questi on . <br />