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I <br />e <br />�uly 1, 19Z6 <br />FLANEVING R�FORT <br />f�AS£ P��M3ER: <br />f� • i �fl\� <br />LOCATION: <br />9°1-75 <br />NiAT Properties, Inc. <br />8018 Su�neyside Raad, �9inneapolis <br />South of Couniy Road C at Prior <br />i����ilisZ Ci<L�r:G'2:� �.Jna �I\ohC%�` <br />i <br />AC7IO;v REQU�STEQ: F.�zonin� fro� I-� to �-2 and 5p�c�a� <br />�se Perr�it for "Truck Ren�al Operation" <br />PLAN�ViNG CQNSIDERA7�ONS: <br />1. ��ir. Jim Trapp ���IAT Properties) has Purchased the �vesterly ha1�F of <br />the Ashbach property south of Coun�y Road C across t�e railroad tracks <br />urhere �ir. Ashbach formerly operated his cons�ruction yard. t•�r. Trapp <br />has leased tt�e property to a company curren��y operating a�rucic <br />ren-�al faci 1 i ty on �he land. <br />2. Th� land is zoned i-1. Truck rentals has not be�n i�sted specifically <br />as a permit-�ed or special use in either- the I-1 or I--2 Qistricts. <br />Mr. Traop was advised of if�is car�dition and upon recammendation from <br />th� City, requested the Cauncii to am�nd the�zoning ordinance to <br />provide -For "�r[�ck rentais" as a spec-iai use in �he �--1 and I-2 Distric�s. <br />The Counc�7 sa�ri fit to provide -For "truck rentais" as a special use <br />in on�y the I-2 D�strict and thai change to the Ordir�ance a�as put <br />�nto a�'fec� twa weeks ago. <br />3. Subsequen��y h1r. irapp �as applied for a rezoning from I-�. to I-2 <br />and approvai of the spec�al use permit for the truck ren�tal op�rat�on <br />tnat currently exists. In the meaniime, he has agreed to cease the <br />truck ren�al operation as of Ju7y 6th as per the attached letter to <br />Mr. Trapp fram �he City's 1egal counsel. <br />4. r�lr. Trapp has subm�tted a site p�an of th2 proper�y indicating ihe <br />intent to canstruct a 36 foot by a 48 foot steei otaildinQ on th� si�e. <br />Tne site �lan a�so inc��ca�es the species anc! num6er o-F additional <br />1 andscapi ng mater-i ai s�ca be pl anted on . t he s��e . Parki ng accorns: odati ar�s <br />for 95 se��--trucks and trailnrs are also provided. The site is <br />surro��ded by an exi sti ng chai n 1 i n!c fer�ce +r�i th a r�eGv dri vet��ay co�- <br />struc-�ed to County Road C dCt"055 the BurZir�g-tan f�or�hern raill�:�y tracks. <br />5. You Yll �� note from the s�;e�.ch a� the left that all o�F the indtistrial <br />1 and eas � and north of Hi gh�,,rays 35��f and 3fi �o Fai rvi eti�r and Cou��cy Road <br />C is zoned I--1. It has been the basic �ntent to nofi develo� this <br />area tivi �h heavy i ndustry or truc�c termirsal re� ated faci � i ti es . <br />