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c <br />SPECIAL ,4SSESSMENT COMPI.AINT OF MR. JEpPESEfV A�' SOU7HWEST CORNER OF <br />ViCTORIA AND W�S7 SAiVDHLfRST ON PRQJECT 74-17 <br />The owner o� the long parcel of land along Sandhurst which -Faces Vic�aria, <br />Mr. Jeppesen, appeared at �he special assessment hearing for Improvemen� <br />SS-W-P-74--17. At �ha� tir�e, he felt �he City shau7d correct a drainage <br />problem affec�ing �is pr�per�y which he apparently contends was the resuli <br />o-F the roadway. T#�e starm sewer which serves his proper�y has been in ex- <br />istance since 1966 and con�ains a catch basin approxima-�ely a� the rear af <br />his E�ar� along the nor-�h property line a� an elevation to drain the rear <br />yard of Mr. Jeppesen. The sewer design was al�ered at tne time a-f cons�ruc- <br />�ion in accardance with Mr. Jeppeser�'s request so it would better fit his <br />property situation. <br />When the Ci-�y proposed to construct the new roadway, Mr. Jeppesen wa5 con- <br />tacted and the Ci�y at �hat �ime indica�ed �hat -�he bes� solu-��on to the <br />problem would bs to fili �his lower area between the new road and his home <br />at the time af �he road work and for Mr. Jeppesen to fi17 the low area bew <br />hind his home as well. The City requested slope easements from Mr. Jeppe- <br />sen so ti�at this fi11ing and raising of the catch basin could be accomplished, <br />but F�e refused to gran� these easementS for us to da the necessary grading <br />on his property. <br />NEr. Jep�esen has still nnt a�lowed the City to go upan his property to <br />affect any chai�ge, including �hose that he has now requested to be done. <br />He was offered �the apportun7ty to have the catch basin ra�sed, the area <br />filled adjacen� to the road, and sod placed a11 the way ta his home, if <br />necessary, and he refused at �he time the con�ractor cou�d do the wark. Tt <br />is my recommendation �hat we not retu.rn �o ihe si�� and hire a new cantractor <br />and pay the expe�se of doing something which he refused to have done origin- <br />aZIy. This expense would have to be s�rread over the entire assessab1e fron- <br />tage. <br />In surnmary, the problem was not caused in any way by the road work. T�e <br />City at�empted to work with Mr. �}eppesen to a�d h�s 57tU�t7011 at the time <br />the contractor and materiais were available and ��]r. Jeppes�n r�fused_ <br />� � �/ <br />