c1� o� Ros�vlL�
<br />Regular I�eeting of the City Cau.ncil � August 9, 1976e
<br />The City Council met on the above date w�.th the foll�wing
<br />� members present: Ma.yor Demos, Co�ancilmen Hess, Anderson,
<br />Curley and Gr�auel.
<br />A-1 Grauel Moved, G4irley 5econdea, that the minutes of the meeting
<br />o� July 26, 1976, be appxoveda Roll Ca1Z, Ayes: Anderson,
<br />Curley, Grauel and I}emos. Nays: None. Absient�ons: Hesse
<br />Councilman Hess was absent from the meeting,
<br />B �I
<br />B-2
<br />Anderson Moved, Hess Second.ed, that Marrio�t Carpor�ti�n's
<br />request for on-sale wine lic�nse at the Hot Shoppe Cafeteria
<br />Iocated in the Rosedale Shopping Centex° be approved with the
<br />conc�i��on that the Marriott Corporation provzde the Ci�y a
<br />copy of the�r insurance policya Ro11 Ca11, Ayes; Hess,
<br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel and Demase Nays: Noneo
<br />Curley Moved, Grattel Seconded., that Steak F� Ale request
<br />for �pecial use permi� and div�sion of lot at 1893 West
<br />Highway 36 be continued to the meeting of September 1�, I976e
<br />Ro11 Call, Ayes: Hess, Andex°son, Curley, Grauel and Demose
<br />Nays: None.
<br />B-3 Gx°auel Moved, Hess Seconded, that Harry Ka.th's reQuest for
<br />preliminary plat "Kath's Subdivision" and special use pexm��
<br />at 2425 Rice Street be cantinued to the meeting of Septemher 13,
<br />I976a Roll Call, Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Grauel and
<br />Demoso Nays: Noneo
<br />B-4 Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Michels Construction Co.
<br />rec{uest ior final plat approval "Ati.chels Lake Pax-k" at 2500 North
<br />Hamline Avenus be continued unt�.l Che meeting of August 23,
<br />1976o RolZ Call, Ayes: Hess, And.erson, CurZey, Gr�aue? and
<br />Demoso Nays: Noneo
<br />7:30 PoMo
<br />STEAK �, ALE
<br />MIQ�LS
<br />B-5 Andex°son Maved, Hess Seconded, that ICen Reinhaxdt's request I�N 1tEIN[-iARDrT
<br />fox° final pZat appxoval "Ken Re�nhardt Addition No, 3" at about
<br />907 Sherren be contiinued imt�l the meeting of September 27, I976a
<br />Roll Ca11, Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Gtzrley, Grauel and Demose Nays:
<br />Noneo
<br />B-6 Curley Moved, Hess Seconded, that James Sweeney's request for
<br />final piat "Sweeney's Southview Heights" at about the 1700
<br />block of Alameda. be appx°oved and that Mra S�veeney will provide
<br />the City° a purifi�ation. easement on the pondo Ro11 Ca11, Ayes:
<br />Hess, Axiderson, G�zx°ley, Grauel and Demos a Nays : None.
<br />B-7 �rauel Moved, Hess Secor�ded, that Niemec � Burrow, Inc.
<br />request for rezoning from R-1 to B-I and B-2 at 2381 North
<br />Rice Street be approved, Rr.�11 CaII, Ayes: Hess, Anderson,
<br />C�xrley, Grauel and Demosa Nays: Noneo
<br />NIII�IEC �
<br />BURRQW
<br />