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� <br />:� <br />Septer:�ber I, 1976 <br />FLFi'i�-1IP�G REPORT <br />CAS� �dU�•iB�R: <br />A�PLICAPdT : <br />�.00ATIOfd : <br />ACTIOi3 RE�i1�Si��D: <br />PL.A�Vf�I�VG CONSiDERAiIOiVS: <br />99�-76 <br />SteGk and Aie <br />P�or �.h of Hi gn;�ay 3G Fran iage P,aad , <br />l•�Psi af Fairvieti,� Avenue (see slcetch) <br />Approval of Sp�ci al Use Permi t <br />1. Yo� �v��i 11 recall that wher� the Poppi n' Fresi� Pies �ro�osal was accepted <br />by the Planning Coir,rnission and Counc�l, the City gat a commitmen� fro� <br />John Bureau, the 7and owner, �o not Qrapose "fast food" res�tauran�s <br />in the space bet�veen Pappin' Fresh and the Red Lobster restaura�� to <br />t1�e �vest. It tivas a�reed, �towe�er, that the development of possi b1y iwo <br />qua7ity restaurants in this space �•rould be likely and desir.�b�e. Mr. <br />Bureau in fact indicated at that time that he L��as at�en�ting ta locate <br />a Steak and A�� restaurant on or�e of the �wo available sites. He has <br />been successful in this objective. <br />2. �he Steak and A�e people have app7ie� for a special use permit for approval <br />of site p7an in accordance Uri�h the regu7ations of the 8-1b D-is�rict_ <br />Large scaie drati•�ings a-F the site plan, drainage p7an, and landscaping <br />pi an have been submi tted and revi e�:led by the sta � f_ Attacfi��d to tf�� <br />1 eft o-f tF�i s repor� i s a reduced capy af th� 1 anc�scapi r�g pl an sha;vi ng <br />the general configuratior� of the layo�t and the planting schedule. <br />In every case possible, hereafter, reduced cop�es af #.he s-ite and <br />landsca�e plan will be included in the planning r�ports sa as to give <br />the Planning Commission and Council betier opport�nity ta �amYliarize <br />thernse�ves with the specific proposa�. <br />3. The 8-1b D�strict limi�s restaurar��s to a minimur� o-� 5,000 square feet. <br />Th� area of ihe building in th�s case zs 6,74Q square �eet_ �ne <br />building is a true "half �imber" construction �an�rein the timbers a�e <br />integrated into -�ne con5truction oT �he masonry tivalls ��} the manner <br />ariginated in the Elizabe�nan era. Some of you may be familiar with <br />tr�e Stealc and Ale establ i shr�ent i n B� oomi ngton constructed i n simi 1ar <br />fashion. <br />4. Attac�Zed �o �his report is a letter fro�n ta�ayman Will�ams from tt�e Steak <br />and Ale organization providing additior�a7 in�orma�ian a�out t�e propos�d <br />operation. 4v'e are particu7arly concerned a�out �he adequacy af the <br />parking, evert though the 12� car capacity exceeds tne code requ�ire�ent <br />by some 20 spaces . Yot� ��ri 1� note that th� seati ng capaci �y proposec� � s <br />312 spaces which includes both dininn and lounye capaci�y. <br />