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� <br />��..-h"l.y1 �Z+.. �...�lrii..-, �. � <br />S <br />i <br />t'iEP10: September 1Q, i976 <br />TD: .iames Andre <br />FROM: Charles U. Nor�che�1 G��-f <br />SUdJEGT: Traffic Review - Label�e's <br />�n both the Pianning Commission and Cpuncil me�iings concerning the l�aSelle's <br />propasal for the northeast corner of Coun�y r�oad B and Fairvie�r, considerabZs <br />discussion was given to the adequacy of the exis'ting roadways �n th�ir ability <br />to carry existing and proposed traffic. Rrior to the tirst Planning Canmissi�n <br />meeting the staff did review with the applicant's traf�ic engineer the da�a that <br />he was presenting and at that time found zt to be consistent tirith good �raffic <br />engineering prae�dur�. 7he f�gures used for determining traffic generatian from <br />tne site were also reviewed at that �ir�e and found to be cons7stent witi� accepted <br />standards. <br />In the last w�e�C the staff has dane further investigation to both deternine the <br />validi�y af the traffic caunts as they were proposed by �he applicants and deter- <br />mine again the effect of the proposal upon the roadway system in the area. The <br />t�affic caun'ts �ar Fairview and County Road �, as presented by ihe applicant, were <br />taken frorn actual traffic coun�s taken in 1975 by Rarnsey Coun�y. In cornparing <br />3975 traffic caunts with co�nts ta�cen in 1973 and 1974, it was found that the volume <br />of traffic an these roads i�as remained fair1y constant ov�r the past thre� years. <br />Perhaps an indicatio� thai, for the most �art, this area substantially developed <br />prior ta 1973. <br />The effect o� tl�is proposal on the adjacent roadways was. investigated by using <br />three methods, aI] of which point �o the conclusion that the existing raadway <br />system is adequate to handle both the existing and proposed traffic tha� would <br />develqp from this site. The three rr�thads and their rationale are listed below <br />for your revi e��. <br />� 7he first method was developed using Rar�sey CQUnty's standard traffic procedure. <br />It is the3r policy thai each trave7ed lane can i�andl� 75Q vehicles per haur at <br />the aeak hour. In using �his criteria it was found that on Fairvi�w Avenue, <br />and on Caunty Road B, the assumed capacity �f each roadway would be 3,OQ0 <br />vehic�es per hour. 7his is based on an uninterrupted tiaw of' traffic. <br />The second method investigated was the one used by the app7icant's traffic eng�- <br />r�eer. In this method it was found that the capacity of each of the roadways is <br />2,000 veh�cles per hour. This system does aliow for some conge5tion at in�er- <br />sectians. <br />It was felt by the staff�that a third method should be used as �t appear�d that <br />tf�e four-way stop at the i ntersecti an of Cdun�y Road S and Fai rvi ew Aver� ue couZ d <br />be ihe controiling point as �o capacity af th�s roadway. based on data obtained <br />from the F{i ghway Capaci ty P�ianual , a standard source document, i t was found that <br />the fniersection ha5 a ca�acity of 3,000 uehicles per haur. This compares ev�th <br />the prapos�d traffic at the intersection of 2,400 venicles per hour. <br />