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September 1, 1976 <br />PLAPJ��ING REPORi <br />CASE �•{UM6ER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCAT IOfV : <br />ACTIOi1 REQU�STED: <br />PLA�lNII�G C�[�SID�RATI�NS: <br />1000-76 <br />Alb°rt Burger <br />Sou�heast c�rner of Lexington Avenue <br />and Shryer Avenue <br />Approval af Preliminary P]at <br />1. The property -in quest�on as shown on the sf;etch at the Zef� cansists of <br />�he norther7y 158 feet of the blocic between Lexington and Oxford. The <br />pro�erty consists ofi about 2.7 acres and �as been occupied by a single <br />home for many years. <br />2. 7he app7icant propos�s to divide �he land into seven lots, lot number 7 <br />af which would be accupied by the existing home. The lo�s vary in width <br />fron 75 fee�t io 95 feet as shown an the sketch. 7hE smallest�ot is <br />Lot 5 at the corn�r of Lexington and Shryer. The 7at iine 6et�reen �ot 6 <br />and 7 was p7aced so as to be ten feet from the exis'ting hnme. We 5lfg��5t <br />that �his iot line be moved five feet to the south providing a larger <br />corner iat (SO feet instead o€ 75 feetj arrd redUCing the Lot 7 frontag� <br />on Lexir�gtan Aven�e from 88.35 feet to 78.35 feet. As you kno<<�, the <br />7ot tividth s�andard far corner lats 3s 100 feet and the standard for <br />i nteri or 1 ots i s �35 feet. <br />s. You w��� notice that �he pr•a�erty to the south consist�ng of approximately <br />iVio a�res H,hich is occupied by ar�other s�ngie family ham�. 1'he app7�cant <br />indicates that this o�Nner is nat interested ir� further developing his <br />land a� �his time. abvious1y it avould appear possible to in�egrate the <br />tulo properti es tiv� �h a si ngl e pl at. Such a devel optnent �i ght praduce <br />up to four additiona� lots �f p7anned with a cul-de-sac off 5hryer <br />Ave�Ue {to the sauth} in the center o� the b�ock. If the plai ��s�filed as <br />praposed, the prop�rty to the south could u7tima-�ely be divided inta <br />three 7o�s. One 3ot v�ou�d 6e nccupied b�r the exis�ing hom� fronting an <br />Lexington Avenu�, yr�th the remainder 1�40 feet of fron�age on Oxford - <br />passibly being div�ded into two 70 foot lots ��rit� an exiensive depth. <br />4. Laryer scale drawings of these aptians ti�rill 6e �resented a-� the Plann�ng <br />Corn�i ssi on heari ng. The p7att� ng of the 1 and as proposec! r�ay ►vel i be �he <br />most reasonable solution, if the praperty a�ner io�the south �s in�ent <br />an r�ot d2ve�opirrg the iand 1n the reasonable future. <br />