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� <br />Septemk�2r �, �97� <br />PLFINNIl�JG kEPQRT <br />CASE hU�i3ER: <br />APPL ICAN1" : <br />L�CR7ION: <br />�tCTION REQUEST�D: <br />100�-7b <br />Rosevi7le VFW <br />North of L�'oodhi 11 Qri ve, East ot <br />Griggs <br />Di vi si on of a i_at and Vari ance to <br />Setback <br />PLANNIP�G COi�iSTD�RATIO�yS: <br />1. The property -in 9uestion is a parcel of 7and 220 feet deep with a <br />fr�ntage of 210 feet �ahich ��ould be ir�mediaiely east of th� dedicated <br />roadway for the exter�sian of 4vnat tivould be Dun7ap 5treet, one block <br />east of the existing Grzggs Stree�. <br />2. 7he UFti�! propos2s to bui7d a new clubhouse 40 -fee� by 6I.34 feet on <br />the property with a sea�inq capac�ty of 2Q4. The site would have <br />a parking capac�ty of 75 cars. Large sca7e drawings of the si�e <br />p7an anct of the prop�sed bu�7ding wi17 be available for viearing at the <br />pub7ic hearing. The sfcetch �o the lef� is a reduced scale plan <br />ind�cat�ng the ger�erai layout wi�h the �ro os d 1 <br />�Y ihe VF�! C1ub. P� andscap7ng as prepared <br />3. The property in quAstian is zoned to �he Shopping Center Dlstric�, a <br />zone w�ich ti�ras requested by the otivn�r o�F t�-re property �George Reilir�g) <br />many years aga. The a�p]icant seeks ap�rovai of d CE7V75i0t1 of thz land <br />cr�ating the parcel of 7and upor� ti,rhich the c]ub hause would be bui1� and <br />apP�'�val of the variances to ihe set�ack from that req�ir�d -in th� <br />S�opping Cen�er District. The setback pr�oposed wou7d be SQ feet fro� <br />the �'ront prop�r�y line {1�0 feet required in �he Sha�ping Center pis�ric�) <br />�vith a 17 -Foot se�back on the easterly prapprty 7ine. Tne <br />setbacks canform to th� normal require;nents of 16 fe2t from�theistreet <br />r� g��-of-4ray, both on l�Joodrri i] Dri ve and the proposed Du�l og S-treet and <br />five foot of setback on the in�erior 1ot 7ines ta the north and tne <br />east. <br />�. 6de would suggest that the division of the prop�rty so as to crea�e a Tot <br />o� th�se dinansions at the 1fiJfT!°diai.e corner of Dunlop and lJaodhiil -is <br />r�asonably appropria�e. It is high7y likely that tf�e rema�nder af the <br />iand tvi77 noi be developed iar a s�op?�ng center in the future but a� <br />least not in its eniirety. In �he m�antime, �re feel that �he Shoppina <br />Center Zone 4��it}� its 7arge setbacks is a reasonable zone to ca�ry on <br />the pr�operty untii such timp as the land may he ctLve7o�ed far atner <br />p�rposes • Conii nuance of th� Shoppi n; Center Zor�e ��ri I 1 ass i s t the Ci i.y <br />in ultimately dc�e]opinq the land fo�, same non-resiuen�-ial tax producing <br />p�rpose of lor�g-rang� b21�2f7[. �0 �he City. <br />