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,�GENDA SECTIOti : <br />MtL111VU g_i3-76 <br />�����'��� ��T� ��i..i���..+�� .;�°3'�5�5��� daTE: <br />Q�IGfNATIN� D�?T./DIV,' <br />Reports F� Recorrunenda�ions Adm <br />�TE�� N0. : ITEf�1 oESCRiPrion�� James Trapp reques't �or specia7. use permit at <br />� � 2217 County Road C--2 <br />�. <br />DEPT_ HEAD APP�OV:1L. <br />� -�- <br />141GR_ REVItWED/r�.kCC��rllv!E1���',5: <br />Th� Planning Corr�nission at its September l, mee�ing «nanitnously recortu�ended approval <br />of James Trapp's reQuest for special use permi� at 2217 Colmty Road C-Z wirh th� <br />" follaw�ng conditions: <br />1_ <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />b. <br />7. <br />That the site be redeveloped in accox�ce with the p�ans as submitte�, <br />That a].I weeds, exterior de�ris a.nd storabe be xemoved �rom -Che site an.d <br />the site maintain.ed in an orderly m.aru�er. <br />That the anci landscaping be instal.J.ed, mainta�ned, and that a bond <br />be posted to one and aZe hali times the appraximate cast af th� landscaping <br />ta assux� zts complei:ion. <br />That concrete curbs be ins�alled sepaxatzno al1 sodded and landscaped areas <br />from the drive�,tay, pa�king, and service areas. <br />Tha� the buildings be xepai.nted in accardance ti�rith plans and ske�ches sub- <br />mztted by �he applicant's archi�e,_.t. <br />That a�I. ��ie stru.ctures on this si.te, hard surface areas and Iandscape <br />areas be prc�pexly raaintained in the future. <br />If such praper maintenance is confi.�rrned to n�� bein� �ccoir�plis�ed in a reasan- <br />able manner in the future, �hat a public hearing tvill 6e heid befare -�he <br />Cotmcil after �Jhich the special use pex�m� t�ay be sub}ect �o xevocaiion <br /> satisfactoxy r�med�al action. <br />The Commissian �urther re�omrr�z�c',�d that the Council consic�er issuing the <br />special use pexmit far a specified period o� tit� suU� ec't ta x�eview and <br />reneti�ra� based on perfox-m�ice on the foregoing condi-�ions . <br />Council Ac-�ion Requested: Moti.on establishinb a public hearing on <br />�ctober Z8, 1976, far Ja�nes Trapp's re�uest <br />for special z�se permit at ZZ17 County Road C-2. <br />��� � <br />