<br />Regular Meeting of the City Cowi�il - September 13, 197bo 7:30 P.M.
<br />The City Cotm�il met on the above date �rith the �ol�.ow�ng
<br />membex°s present : Mayor� Demo� , Councilmen Ander�son, Cux°ley ,
<br />Gr�uel and He�so
<br />A-1 Andex°son MoVed, Curley Seconded, that th� minu�es of the MINUTES
<br />meeting o� August 23, i976 (Ttem A 2) amenciing the minut�s
<br />of the special meeting of August 16, I976, rltem B�1) be
<br />amended to read:
<br />"Grauel 1!4oved, Curley Seconded, that the matte�
<br />regarding Public Improvemen�s P�oject� 77-0 and
<br />77-A be cont�nu�d unt�l the meeting of November 1S,
<br />1976, in order to give �'esidents an oppor�Lmity tr�
<br />petition �ox� street imp�ov�ements�
<br />Demos Moved, Hess Secon�.ed, to amend �he moti�n to
<br />continue the matter to include �he establxshment of
<br />a Citzzen's Committee consisting of ten persons, two
<br />per�ons appointed by each Gouncilman, chax°ged with
<br />reviewing the need., cost, figures, �riteria £or ex-
<br />clusion, �Cimetable, if ax�y, madification of st�ndax°ds
<br />and considex°ation of applicants for irr�x�ov�ed s�reets a
<br />Roll Call on Amendment: Ayes: �Iess, Ander�on, Curley,
<br />Grauel ana �emos, Na�s; Noneo
<br />Ro1Z Call on original motian as amended: Ay�es: Hess,
<br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel �d Demoso Nays; Noneo"
<br />Ro1I Call on amen�nent to minu�es: Ayes: Ander�son, Curiey,
<br />Grauel, Hess and Demoso Nays: None.
<br />Anderson Moved, Curley Second�cl, tha� the minutes be �pprorrec�
<br />amending the minutes of Augu�t 23y 1976e Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Anderson, Curley, Grau�l, Hes�a Na}�s: None� Ab�tention;
<br />Mayor Demos a� she� was absent from �he m�et�ngo
<br />A-2 Ander�son P4oved, Curley Sec�nded, th�t th� �o��il j oin t.�e PROCLAM�TION
<br />A�ayor in d.ecl.�ring October 16, 197b a a� "S�veetest Day" in
<br />Rose�ri 11eo Roll Call, Ayes: 1�nd�x•son, Curl�y, Gr�ue1, Hess
<br />and Demoso Nays: Naneo
<br />B-1 GYa.uel Moved, G�zrley Se�onded9 tha� Bar�ry� 0'Meara4� request �or� BARRY 0'MEARA
<br />final plat approvaZ "Hedlt.u�.d. Southview" and vac�tion of righ�-,of� way
<br />at about 3Q5� No�rth Fair�v��� l�venu� be �on�inued �ti1 �the mee�ing
<br />of September Z0, 1976o RoT1 Ca11, Ay�e�: Ande�°son, Curley�, G�°auel,
<br />Hess and Demoso Nay��: IV�n��
<br />