<br />Eml2 Curley Moveas Gx�auel Seconde�.9 �hat Resogu���n N�� b420 awa�dzng
<br />bid for p�oject P�SS-�'='76--Y� t�c F� M���itta�n� �onstr��i:ian Co� ,
<br />I.ow bidde� �n �he am�un� of $36y97io�� �� ad�pted� Ro�1 CaII.,
<br />Ayes ; And�x�sony Glxr•Ye�, �r�au�1 � Hess �nd. Demos o N�y� : None <
<br />Hes� Mo�ed, Ande�°�on Sec�nd�da that Res�Yu�ti�n Noa 6�21 d�cl�r�ing
<br />adequacy af p�fii�:ic�n a.nd c���dering p�e�p��atxon c�f fe�.szb�li�ry
<br />repo� on Px°oje�t. �S-76=1g� �an�ta�y ��w�� �or the sou�.hwes�
<br />carner af Old Highway 8�nd Cotmty Ro�c� D�e �d�pteda Rol1 Call,
<br />Ayes : And�r�on, C�x�Iey, G�°�tx�� 9 I-�ss and D��s o Nays : None o
<br />E�1� �nder�on Morr��, G�°�ta�Y S�cond�d� tl�a�t Ch�ng� OY°d,�� Noo 1�or
<br />MoDoHo , Znco y Px�oji��:t. P� 75=�1� be �ppp•ov��. �n the �o�nt o�'
<br />$97aS0o Ro11 Ca11� Ay�s: Ander��ns G'�r�Tey, G��uel� Hess and
<br />Demoso Nays: None�
<br />E-I4 Grau�l Mo�red� H�ss S��ond�d� �th�� P��ntent Noe ]L �d Fin�l be
<br />approved for� P�oyec� `�5 •Z� �o MoD,He , In�, in t;he amount of
<br />$8,$18oI.0� Roll C�.Ix9 Ay�e� e�1nd�rson9 Cu�ley�� Gr�.u��, Hes� and
<br />Demo�� Nays: Nan�,
<br />E�15 Giirley I+�or�ed, Anc�xson Se�ondedy °t}z�� Change 0�°d�� Nao 1 to
<br />F� Maret�tini Canstr�u��ion _Company for� P�ro�e��ts 75-14 �nd '75 20,
<br />C�mbzn�� Stonn Sewer Impr°ovement P�°o�ect� 7bm7A and �b�-8y
<br />Px°o�ect B, be appr�ved in th� am�unt of $30So10� Roll Cal.l,
<br />Aye�; Anderson, Gurley, G�°auely Hess and Demose N�y�: Noneo
<br />E-16 Anderson Maved, Hess Se�on�ed, that Paym�n� N�o 1 to Fo
<br />More��ini Cor�ty°u��ion Company for Proje�ts P-W-SS-75�14 and
<br />75-20 and Combined S�orm Sewex°� 76�-7A and 7bm8, Pr•ojec� B,
<br />be appx°oved a.n the �noUnt �� $110 ,� S4 013 o RoI.I Call , Ayes :
<br />Anderson, C�r1ey, G�°auel ,�Ies� and Ilemo� o N�ys : Non� o
<br />E-Ii Hess Movec�, Anderson Seconded, ��a� �the City Manage� b�
<br />aut7�orized to �ign the T976GT97`i Contrac� wi� T�ams�e�s
<br />LocaT 32Q - Pazx�olman, Rol�. C�Y.T ,�ly�s : Ande�sc�n y Ctxrley 9
<br />Grauel, Hess and Dem��� N��rs: Non�e
<br />E-18 Cu�1ey Mov-ed, And�rson Seconded, iha� R���:TutYOn 1Vt�� 6422
<br />regarding r�eappor��.or2ment o� ���essment�s be ac��p��do Rr�YI
<br />Ca1i , Ayes o Anderson, C�xrley y G�atzel, He�� and Dem��a
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />E-].9 Grauel Morred, Hess S�conded, th�� t.he� r�ec�ues� of Anri G��enber•g,
<br />33i6 We�t Owasso Bou�err�.r�d., f6Y° a ho�°�e iicen�e b� �.pp�ov�do
<br />Roll, Call, Aye� : Anderson, C�x�ley, G�°aue�, H��� �nd 17emos � Nays :
<br />Noneo
<br />E-20 Grauel Moved, Hess Se�on�.�d, �ha� �.he l.i�en�e� b� �ppro�rea�
<br />Rol]. Ca].I, Ayes: And��s�na �ur�ley, Gra�I, He�s and Demoso
<br />Nay�: Noneo
<br />N0, 6420
<br />N0. 642Z
<br />C«� �.���
<br />. , • r�-�-
<br />N0� 6422
<br />