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�'IEi��OR4I3DU'1�i <br />T0: <br />F�Oi�1: <br />December 3, 1975 <br />Fx'ank J . Rog <br />Howard Dahl.gren <br />SUBJE�T: Dedi.cation of Park Land - Michel's P1at <br />Assuming an b�]32Ctl.V° for the Czty of Roseville .to u�ilize i�s <br />nati�.ra1 asse�Cs and land in the city tQ the best possible ad- <br />ZFantage for the various forms of developrnent, x St�o��iy sugges� <br />ihai� the mas� app�o�ria�e way �o uti�ize th� rlichel's pra�e�ty <br />�r_o��h of �di' loc•r Pr�n�} is to d�ve? o� a pair a� c�.l--d�--sacs frorn. <br />ei�'a�r end t, a park area in tne ce�ter co�recting �the s��.�.'� <br />streets �rora� the north a�d the exis��.ng pa�k land o-� the sou�h, <br />In this mar�.ner, a number of very desirable lots are created on <br />the two .cul-de-saCS, a number c�hich �ai�.�. b� con�iguous to t'np <br />existing park 1anc�s ar_d the propexty a..n the cen-�er. The natzxral. <br />w�t�ands area in the mxdd�e of the proper�y wiZl be utilized <br />pzr�ially for drainage purposes. The rea� asset, howe�;ex, is <br />at�. �esthetic one: preservati.on of a natural wetlands-cat�ail <br />ar�a Urhich �ai3.I. enhance th� chaxac�er o� the existxng parks to <br />the sauth and the xesident-�al a�ea in i�s exzvirons. <br />The natural we�lands area should be l.eft in its natura�. cond��ion-- <br />cor�sequer�.ce to o�anin� such property. This p�operty will �lso ser•cre <br />as a vital connectxng link betweerz tk�:e residential. area �Co the <br />nortY� (via Dellwood S�reet) and �he park area �o the sau�h. <br />Zn �h� minds of �nany, it is just as in�portarit ta acc�ui�e and <br />anaintain na�ural ti�etl.ands as it is to acquir� and main'�ain <br />shoreline properti�s. As th� co�nrnunity urbanizes, and mor� raw <br />land is usurp�d for deve3.opment puzpo�es, for, at�.d <br />�he value of, such t�7etla�ds are�s increases enormously. Lands <br />requixe no nacaa�ng, plo�„ring, or upkeep ir� the norr.lal sen5e. Theit' <br />�ra�u� xs best app�Pczated by simpl.y leav�ng the�n in their natura� <br />��ate. <br />�de suggES� that the preserva�3..on af �his area �hrou�h a park dedica- <br />�ion is in th� be5� inteiest o�E the ci.ty and the�edxa�e xz�igh- <br />bornoo�. <br />