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Se�tember 1, �G76 <br />P�A�IjfING R�PORT <br />CASt PJUi�1E3ER: <br />APPL�CA,�T: <br />�O:,ATION : <br />ACFIOt�f REQU�STED: <br />PLA[d��IP�G CONSID�RFITiOf•��: <br />1. The property <br />of fro;�tage <br />is occupied <br />for a truek <br />101G-75 <br />Safe En-�erprises, Inc., 1975 Qakcre5� <br />P;or;.n o-F �akcrest, t�lest of Prinr <br />Hv�r;ue �xtended <br />Approval oE Sp?ciai Jse Per�?i't <br />f�r 7ruek ker�ial <br />i n q�� es�i on i s 48 i-Fe� � c� � dep tf� ( north-s o�t� ) ti�ri th 320 fee� <br />on Qakcres� Avenue cansisting af 3.53 acres. The praperty <br />by a bui 1 di ng ].? ,DOQ (squarE f�et of s�ace) 4���i cF► i s uti 1 i z�d <br />ren�al operatian c4nduct�:1 by 5a-Fe �nterprises. <br />2. 7he bui7ding v�las originally built by the Lametti 8rothers as a part <br />af their con�racting opera�ion canduc�ed on ihis property and ihe <br />prop�rty to the a�est. In addi ti on to t��i r cor�tract� n� ope��ati an , ihe <br />La[ne�ti BroLhers , at t�at ti me, t°ented som� of thei r heavy eo,ui pment �o <br />other contractors pri�arily for the �auling o-f pipe, etc. <br />3. Tn IS74, ��e �.amet�i peoa�l e 1�ased tn� � and and bui ldi r�gs i n questi on <br />to Denni s Safe -�cr the o�+�ra�ci on uf T�•ri n Ci ty Truck Rental Company . <br />P��r. Sa�e has i ndi cated to us thai, he nas about 135 �ruck ancf trai 1 er <br />rer��als out primarily on � long term 7easing �asis, ususai�Ey in <br />periods o� about five years. �he day--ta-day rental a; truc�:s �s noi <br />�hei r pri nci pal aperati on. P�1r. Saje has 14 e�npl oyees of wn� ch -�i ve are <br />in t1�e of��ce, four ar� m�C�Id�11C5, on4 serv�ce manager, and four sell <br />tne lea�es. The property is zoned I-1 to b!Fl7Cil tll� Counci� recently <br />added truck rentais as a saecial use, You will recali the grar�ting af <br />such a permit to �ne Jim Trapp pro�erty to the'�n�rtfi'a shart tir�e ago. <br />� <br />4_ Ov�r a peri od of ti r�e, 7 and uses i n the i mmedi a�e area of the proper-ti es <br />i n ques�i on , wi 11 i ncr�ase i n va3 ue and i n�ensi ty of use , ti�us mo�i ng <br />towarc� more va7ua�le comm2rcial us�s. The existance of the hotels, <br />restaurants, and office bu�ldings in the area are indicative af this <br />trend. In t�z meant-ime, i � ti•�ouid ap�ear that cne use af ti�e pc•op�riies <br />propasec! for truck rental purposes �rrould not deter ti�is gr-adual <br />ecor�omic evolutZOn. Ir� as r�uch as under this opera�ion, �rucks are <br />r�ot reni,ed on a daily bas�is (movirg in and out af the si�e) ��e actual <br />at�ount o� trucic traf��c involvQd is relat�vely Zigi�t. Y�te -Further <br />undersi:and that d�ie �.o the changed rature o� th� bus�r��ss (trtick ieasing <br />vers�as rental ) that �-1r°. 5af'e is coni.emplating changinc ti�e name o�F the <br />company ta reflect �his change in er�phasis. P�1r. Sa�e vrill b� at th� <br />P�Eblic H�aring to revie�•r any Tur�her c��estions �hat th� Gan�x�jission and <br />Council may have t�rith res�ect to his �uture aperatians. <br />