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I was teased sometimes at soccer this year by RAMS middle school students <br />because I attend Parkview Center School, a K-8 school. In preschool I was pushed around- <br />by another kid who called me "stupid7, and now sometimes I am called "ner&'. But besidri <br />those occasional instances, I rarely feel threatened. When I am skipping to the park while <br />babysitting my adorable tbree-year-old cousin, a 12 year-old Karen boy in Myanmar MI'ght <br />be sprinting away from pursuing soldiers while trying to avoid being shot. It is terribly <br />difficult for me to imagine that if our soccer team's fearless goalie hadn't escaped from <br />k4yan it 1014" <br />x"t 7 that he could have been that 12 year-old boyrunning away from the milhary. <br />We all have had bad nightmares. But many Karen here in Roseville have practically <br />f ived a nightmare. Looking at what the Karen people suffered 'in Myammar makes my <br />6veryday American life seem easy and uncomplicated. In our established daily lives in <br />Mnnesota we take for granted many fights that the Karen people are deprived of in <br />lqyanma,r. Their persecution was a direct violation of Human Right #1 of the Uniteii <br />Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "All human beings are born free and equi <br />in dignity and rights. They axe endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards <br />oN e another 'in a spirit of brotherhood."' Hopefully the Karen will find these rights anI_ <br />The message '"Li li E!" meant almost nothing to me at the beginning of the soccer <br />season, but now it has lead me to a whole new way of looldng at life. I am more t " I for <br />iny own life and also for the lives, safety and new opportunities for my teammates and othei <br />K'aren grants. I hope that the Karen can put their persecution behind them and thrive, <br />ft ere 'in the United States,, On our soccer team, we all became a bit "Karen7 when we A <br />used their simple call during our soccer matches. As a community, I hope that we aH can dil. <br />
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