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a��Q��� s, 1976 <br />PLANNTNG REPORT <br />CASE NL'M�ER: <br />APPLICAPd7: <br />1014-76 <br />Sam Cave <br />LOCATIOiV: North of Minnesota Street, Between <br />Rice Street and Woodbridae Circle <br />(s�� sketch) <br />,4CTION REQUESTED: <br />PLANNTNG CONSIDEFtA7I0NS: <br />Approval af Revision to Preliminary <br />p7at and Rezaning from R-1 to R-2 <br />and Rezoning from R-]. to B-1 <br />1. The property in question is ihe ]and that was recently platted by <br />Ban-Can peop�e far single fam�iy development eas� of Woodbridge and <br />north of P�linnesota Street. The �lat was div�ded into six lots <br />plus a remaining parcel fronting on Woodbridge Street, merely le�t <br />as ar� ap�endage io the apartment site immediately to the north and <br />west. <br />2. Nlr. Cave proposes ta make the first �ot next to ��e 6-2 District <br />on the corner of Rice S�reet ar►d M-innesota wider {2pp feet) because <br />it is contiguous to the commercial area. Tl�e Zan7ng Ordiflance <br />al7ows for the constructian of a duplex an this parcel withaut a <br />rezaning be�ause it is con��guous to a commercial z�ne on the �id� <br />7ot 7ine, lie requests that this lot and the contiguous lat to the <br />wesi (Lo� 5) be rezoned to R--2. ihe four remair�jng lots would <br />be deve7oped by Mr_ Cave with singie fami�y houses. <br />3s The property to the rear of these single family lots froniing on <br />Woodbridge Street, he proposes to rezone �o B-i for the purposes <br />of c.onstructing one or twa small office buildings. Because these <br />lats would back up to Mr. Cave's single family duplex 1ats, and <br />because th�y froni on 4Joodbridge Street away from the res�dential <br />area �o �he south, it seems to �s approprlate for these properties <br />to be rezoned to such a category. You are aware iha� the land <br />irr�nediately ta the eas-� is zoned 8-2 (between Minnesota 5treet,. <br />Rice Street, and EJaadbridge Street)e b,loodbridge Street, of course, <br />serves the a�fice area to the north {alang R�ce Street� and the <br />apartment area to the northwes�. It wou1d appear. that th� proposed <br />rezoning and lot dis�ri�aution pattern would be appro}�riate in view <br />of the contiguous zonfng and relatinnship to the sin.ale family <br />area to the south of P�Iinnesota Street. <br />