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l <br />Octo�er 6, i976 <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMS�R: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />AC7I�iV REQUESTEDe <br />PLAN�IING CONSID�RATIONS: <br />� <br />1�12--76 <br />Oskey Gas and Oil Company <br />295� Metro Dr�ve, Niinneapolis <br />Southwest Corner af Caunty Road C <br />and C7eveland Avenue <br />Approval of Special Use Permit <br />for Major Revisio� ta Oil Station <br />Site <br />le The 5ervice station at this location has recently been purchased by <br />the Oslcey Gas and Oil Company in additior� to the two single family <br />homes located immed�ately to the west (franting on County Road C�. <br />Yau may have noticed that the existing station site has be�n <br />substantially cleaned up and the structure repainted. They now <br />propose to add a pump island on the west side of the existing <br />statian struciure. This necessitates the removal of the f7rst <br />�ouse �a the west of the station and the development of a nev�i <br />driveway on County Road C, with new parking areas and pump islands <br />circulat�on space. The dr�veway wiil be moved to a point 91 feet <br />west of the west line of Cieve�and Avenue which constitutes a r�ajor <br />impravement in vehicular access ta the site. <br />2. A�tached �o this rep�rt is a reduced copy of �he site plan. A <br />more readable iarge sca�e s�te plan has been submitted including <br />additional data on the tree growth in the area. You wi�� not�, <br />a suhstan�iai number of trees indicated on the plan aihich exists <br />in the vicinity of the house �o be removed. 7he new aspha7t areas <br />for the parking spaces and new pur�� is7and area w�re designed t.o <br />main�ain as many of the trees as possible on the vresterly portion <br />of the site. <br />3. 4Je suggest that th�s proposal canstitutes a substantial improvement <br />ta the site over �he rather tough 7ookzng conditions that have <br />existed an this si�e �'or mar�y years. A new six foot highs decoratYVe <br />wood screen fence will be constructed between the service station <br />site and the existing hom� to be retained on the wester�y most <br />pareel. �levat�on drawings of additional re�nodeling to be accomplished <br />on the service station buiiding are a1SO included in the Qrapusal. <br />This would appear to be a major renovation to the siation mer�it�ng <br />serious consideration for approval. <br />