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REC�U�ST �QR CC�Id�V�IL AC�IC�� <br />AGENDA SECTION: <br />REPORTS & RECOE-1��Ic�l�:`1TIO;dS <br />pRIGINATING pEPT./DIV.: <br />AilI'4Ii'�IS7Rl1TI <br />MEETlNG <br />oaTE: . T 1/ 1 �L.75 <br />DEPT. HEAD A1'PF2pVAL. <br />I �� � � <br />�Y'�t�A NO.: IT�M p�SCf21PTIOlV' i1AGR. REVfEW�p/RECQMMENaS: <br />t � � PROPOSED S7REET I�r1PR�VE�9�:iTS <br />~ C0��1t�1I77E� P.EPORT :�`,�'�^� - <br />�._____� �._�. ..�.�.___�____ <br />On Augu�� 1J, 797G, th� counci i cor�duc�ed pub7 i c F��ari ngs on the proposed ci ty-ti�ri de <br />street i mprov�ment program and a storm seti•rer project i n the nariF�east part o� ti�e <br />ci ty. A� the eancl us i on a� tha� neeti nc� tt�e heari ngs ti•rere cl osed and cans i derati on <br />of t�� proposa�s il�re co�tinu�d until Augus� i6, 1976. <br />On Augus� 3b, the counci 1 r:av�d ta con�i nu� consi derat� an af tiie proaram unti i;dover�- <br />ber 15; and t�a� a Ci tizens Ca�n�i �te� be appo� n�ed to review tt�e proposed street <br />prograrn and alternatives, and io r�port baek to the councii b� �hat da�e. Tne Commit-- <br />tee has concl�ded its d�iib�rations and its repor� wii7 ba eith�r inciuded wi�h tt�e <br />ag2nda packet or 6� del i v�red pn Saturday. Tn2 Comr:ii tt��'s r�por� i n essence recora-- <br />m�nded the fol7owing: <br />1. The ex�sting temporary street sys�er� U1i 11 not ]ast 20 years aE�d neeci5 ta be <br />upgraded. <br />2. The cost esti mates o� tt�e prop�sed p�^agram vr�r� faund ta be val i�. <br />3. 7he program should b� done as or7ginally proposed, except tnat provision <br />should be made for exclus�on, if ��7' of the property own�rs so petiiioned. <br />Also, guide7ines were pravided for modifying street Ulidth standards. <br />The Cour�c� i,�r�der Sta�e 7aw, has unti 1 Februar�y 9, 1917, ar sz x manti�s fro�n �h� date <br />of the h�aring to c�e�idz nn t�� propasal. <br />7h� Cou�ci i ap�ears to n�ve the fol lo��r� r+g al ter�7a�i ues i i� r-egard ta th2 street i r�prave- <br />rnent p�ogram: <br />1, P1aue to approve the street i�nprover�ent program as ori gi nal ly proposed. <br />2. hiave ta abandon the street i��prover��nt program. <br />3. Ftove to approv? fihe street i r�prov���r�t program as r�cor�ended by tti? <br />Ci ii zens Comr�i �tea. <br />4. f�1ove to approve the s�reet imgrover:�er�t �rograrn a5 tJ�e Cour�ci7 niay oti��rwise <br />modify. <br />5. P�1ove to con��n�� to a specific date far cons�dera�ion. <br />6. P•9ove to continue ind�f�nitelY- <br />The Counci 1 app�ars to have tne fol lo4vi r�g al ter��7a�i v�s i n regard to �tl�e stor;� s�;,��r <br />Project: <br />I. <br />�?�.�- � � <br />f <br />I�9ove to approve. tiie praject. <br />h4ove to abandan the �ro�ect. <br />t�ove to cot�ti nue tn a 5peci -Fi c d�te, (Tf�e c1 ty has ap�l i ec� for a federal <br />grar�t on this pra�ect and strongiy recomm�nd considtra�ion �e coniin�t�d <br />unti 1 Dec. 2rJ, i-Ja�i fi cati an i s anti ci pated before the end of t��Q year. ) <br />It i s tfle staff recor�u:iendat,ion that �}�e ci ty proceed ti�ri th the streFt i mprov�r�ent pra - <br />graiz� as propos�d by th� Cit_�zens. Cor�ittee re�ort prior,to �eb. 9, 1977, and �h�'� <br />tt�� proposed storrr se��er praject ba conti n��d� unti 1�7ec. 20, 970 <br />f /' � �°���� ���� �,�'� <br />��1. �� C� � � �"��� �j /✓ <br />