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-2- <br />B-7 Grauel Moved, Hess Seeonded, �hat AJ.bert Burger's request <br />for £inal plat approval ':'Burgex Homestead Addi.t�on" at �.994 <br />North Lexx.n.gton. Avenue be continued until the Counc��. <br />of I�'ove�nber 15, 1976. Roll Cal�, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson, <br />Curley and Demos. I�Tays: None. <br />B-8 Cur].ey Moved, Hess Seconded, that Vic�ar Vik's request fox fina]. <br />plat appraval "Vik Addition" at 2200 Fulham be cantinued untii. <br />'�h.e Coi.mcil meeting of Novemher 15, 1976. Ro11 Call, Ayes: <br />Grauel, Hess, Anderson, Curley and Demos. :�ays: None. <br />C--7. Anderson Maved, Curley Seconded, that the regular Co�ncil. <br />iaeeting of November 29, 1976, be cancelled because of the <br />National League of Ci�ies annual canvention. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: <br />�ra.uel, Hess, Anderson, G�rley and Demos. tiays: None. <br />C-2 Grauel Moved, Hess Seconded, that a Council �4'ork Session be <br />established �ox b:30 P.M., Wednesday, November 10, 1976, at the <br />Rosevi��e Citiy Hall £or fhe p�rpose of a.ntexviewing architects <br />to prepaxe the des�gn plans for the old City Hall/ Station <br /> Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson, Gur�,ey <br />and Demos. Nays: I�`one. <br />E-1 Hess Moved, C�r�ey Seconded, that Haward Paetz's request �or <br />m�n.or variance to side yaxd setback at 2242 �Iiltan be approved. <br />Ro1.I Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson, Curley and Der,to5. Nays: <br />None. <br />E-Z Grauel Moued, Hess Seconded, that J. M. Duddleston�s rec�ue5t <br />�or pxelim�nary plat "Ihzddleston Lake" at 445 Scuth Owassa <br />Bot�leVa,rd be appxaved and that a public hearing on the final <br />plat be es�abla�shed fox the Caunczl meeting of December 13, <br />1976. Ro11 Cal�, Ayes: Grauel., Hess, I�n.derson, G�zrley arzd <br />Demas. Nays: None. <br />E-3 Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, tha� Resolution No. 6434 ap� <br />the classification and sale o� certain land lyin.g withzn the <br />Ci�y of Rosevil�e be adopted. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Gxaue�, Hess, <br />An,derson, G�rley and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-4 Anderson Moved, Curley Seconded, that Paymen� Noa 2, Project <br />�V-76-3 be approved to Ke].lex Constxuction Cartpany in the amaunt <br />of $38,794.18. Rall Call, Ay�s: Grauel, Hess, Anderson, Ct�x-1ey <br />and Demas. Nays: None. <br />E-5 Cu�ley Maved, Anderson Secortded, that Payment No. 1, �r-ojec� <br />7b-15 �£s:�enner Avenue) be a�provecl to F. Nioret��.nz Const�r.�zai� <br />Company �n the amo�t of $1$,778.5Q. RoII f:al1, Ayes: Grauel, <br />Hess, Anderson, Curley and Demas. Nays: I�Tone. <br />E-b C�xley Moved, Grauel 5econded, �.hat Payinent 1'0. 3 for 197b <br />Improvements, 75�14, 75-20 and Combined Stoxm 76-7A and 76-8, <br />Project B, be approved to F. Mor�tt� Gonstxuction Company in <br />the amount of $38,131.77. Ro11 Ca1X, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, <br />Anderson, Curley and Demos. Nays: hone. <br />ALBERT BURGER <br />VICTOR VII� <br />COLii�CTL <br />MEETIN� <br />WORK SESSION <br />HO�� k�AETZ <br />3. E. <br />DUDi1LESTC)N <br />RESQLUTION <br />ND. 6434 <br />PA1fi�NT <br />� � ��� <br />PA1'1G�N1' <br />