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June 2,. 197b <br />PLAI��NIP;G REPORT <br />C/�SE N�i{16EP.: <br />APPLICANT: <br />�OCA7ZON: <br />ACTIOlV REQEJESTED: <br />P�AN�IING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />� <br />975--76 <br />Vi c�ar Vi k, 2118 Mi dl o'ti�i an Road <br />East S� de of Fulha�n Street, �lor�h �f <br />Coun�y Road B �see sketc�) <br />Approua7 of Pr�liminary P1at <br />1. �he prop�rty in ques-iion, as shown on the sketch at the �eft, has <br />391 feGt of fror��age an Fuiham Street ar�d a dep�h a�F 15�.34 fezt. <br />The app7 i cani propo5es to di vi de the l and i n-to -four si ng7 e-�arr►i ly <br />7ots ti•r�th 97.75 �eet af frontage each. Tnis produces a 7ot area of <br />14,6a4 squar� fe�t. As you kno+rr, the mi ni mur� s��radard i r� ti�e <br />ordinance is 85 7ee� af frontage and 11,000 square feet of lar�� area <br />on interior io�s of this kind. <br />2. 7he lots acrass the str�et have 129 feet of fron�ag� and a dept� of <br />135 feet, or a lot area af 17,415 squar.e �eet. Se�era2 y�ars ago, <br />this proposal was �urned doti�n by the City d�e ta op��he <br />ndighbors regarding �the lo� size. <br />3. East oi� the property ir� question, ihere are 7o�s of ?_.3 acres with <br />about 60� feet af dept�� and l00 feet af fron�age of� of �ountry Road �. <br />All af ihese pro�erties ti��ere previously a-ffected by ihe presence o-F <br />ponding areas ��r�ich are now �rovided for by the installa�tion of <br />storm s�:Jers in -�ne area. There is t�►�n t1�e qfresi.ion af the future <br />deve7 op;��ent of �he rear porti ons of �h�se 7 ots . One of '�he ways of <br />providing for such future deve�lopment is the construc�ion of a cul-de- <br />s�c through th� proper�y �n question off of �ulham Str�e�. It �s <br />also possi�le.�o d�velop ti�e rear o` the �hr�e cleep lots (eas� of the <br />prap2rty �n ques�ian) by the development of a c:u7-de-sace betiv��n �4Vfl <br />c�f the house� fronting on County �toa� �3. Ske�cF�es ind;ca-ted -t:hese <br />po�tential solutlors ti��ere prepare�l a� ti�e tine ��te property in y�es-�i�n <br />vras pt�eviously pra�iosed �or d-ivisiano Ai t�a� time, no agr�ein�nt a�no�g <br />the r��ighba•rs s•ras ar�rive� at. <br />4. it may be s�;�l 1-�or the Pl anni ng Ca�nm� ssi on ta cUns�i der ti�r�ys i ri L��hi ch �he <br />remaining pro�erties to the eas� can be developed and i�opefullJ the <br />prQparty o;�mers involvGd coaid ��tor�C togzth�r to dCi}1�V2 ��"!15 objec"tive <br />if they so desire. <br />