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� <br />October 6, 1976 <br />PLAPJN I NG REPORT <br />CASE NElMBER: <br />APPLICANT; <br />LOCATIQN: <br />AC1"ION REQU�STED; <br />PLANNING CONSIDER�ITTONS: <br />10I5-76 <br />Dorothy Nealy <br />Northvres� Corner af Cleyeland Aver�ue <br />and Raselawn A�renue <br />Approvai of Prel�m�nary Plat. <br />1: A substan-�ial portion of �his property is occ�pied by the "Flealy <br />Pond" which ft�nctions as a permanent ponding area in this par� of <br />the City. T�e City has been attempting -�o o6ta7n a drainage <br />easement for th�s pond wh�ch easement is now proposed as a par� <br />of this plat. <br />2. The dry 7ant� on ihe north sid� consists o� approximateiy 46,355 <br />square feet� whiCh dt 11,OQ0 square feet per lot would appear <br />tv accomodate foUr 7ots. Placement of the 7ot 7in�s approximate�y <br />as shown, however, produces three.buildinq sites with frontage on <br />Cleveland Avenue. The building Iine �or Lot 1 wi71 be substar�tialiy <br />bacic from C7eveiand Avenue, p7acing a home on this lot appraximateiy <br />II� feet west of Cievelar�d Avenue. <br />3. The plat inciudes additiona� dedication of ten feet on the nar�t� <br />side of Rosela�r�n Avenue and an addit�onal 1fi.5 feet on the ►�est <br />side of Clevelar�d Avenue. Assessments will be s�read against <br />the pro�ased lats far sewer, water, and storm seHrer services. <br />4. The on7y problem we see with respect to this plat, ir� consultation <br />with the C�ty Engineers, is the proposa7 to �iat the souther7y 1.7:0 feet <br />of the property as Qu�lot A. This outlo� contain� only wat�r area <br />and un6uildable Iand, and obviously wi11 be let go �ax delinquer�t, <br />This uitimatiely places the City �n a position of responsibii�ty for <br />main�a3ning the snorelin� on thTS corner. We have a�vis�d the <br />landowners that the por�d shouid be divided approximatel� in one- <br />third ratios to each of the three lo�s. It is not advisable, in <br />our opin�on to purposely plat 1and leaving unuseabie portions <br />�'or the Ci ty to ma�r,tai n. <br />5. An optional method o� nlatting the lar�d wauld be io simply divide <br />the buildab7e prop�rty into �wo reTative7y large lots. A view of <br />�he large homes�tes across the streeton Lau�er� Road shows that this <br />may well be a feasible possibility. In any case, wheth�r it is <br />two lots ar three iots, the bui7ding sites will have an excell�nt <br />view �v�r the pond and should at�ract same fin h <br />� �mes. <br />