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Case Number: 1p27--7G <br />Qecen�ber 7. , 1976 <br />b. $340.00 per month for two bedroam units <br />c. �400.00 per month for tnree bedro�om uniis, <br />Page 7wo <br />5. ihe site plan presented indicates the provision o� 288 off-street <br />parking spaces; 144 garage spaces and 144 open spaces. Access <br />to �he property is from the Snell�ing Avenue fr�ontage raad. <br />ihere will be no vehicie access ta the surrounding ch�rrc� and <br />school properti es . Recr�ati ar�ai faci 1� t-i es are inr�i cated on <br />the site plan in the form of to� lots, and a vol�ey_bal�, <br />badm�nton, basketball area. �n general, iF�e site is covered <br />witi� buildings and asphalt w�th a minimurr� ama�nt of gre�n area. <br />A 7andscaping plan has not been pr�pared but the a�plicant has <br />indicated it will be presen�ed in time for review before ihe <br />hearing. <br />6. W� suggest that the overall deveiopment proposal is satisfactory. <br />The applicant in this case, has considerable exper�ence in the <br />development o-f such pr�ojects. A similar project was develaped in <br />the Ci ty of Golder� Uai 1e,� {which included the seven story mid-rise <br />structure) and we suggest that th�s prflto-type d�vel��m�nt offers <br />the best means of evalua�ing the end resuits. AS we indica�ed in <br />the reuiew of �he April Planning Report, we recommend that the <br />members of the Planning Cornmission and Council vzsi� th� Go7den <br />Valley site just east of Winnetka Avenue and R�ode Is�and Avenu�. <br />7. bJ� recommer�d that seri ous consi derati on be gi ven to tni s s-i �e as <br />an apprapriate locat�on for Section � ha�sing which will h�lp mee� <br />the housing ne�ds af the Gity of Rosevil1e in a reasonab�e and <br />tnoughtful manner. �3'he land use proposed for the site in the 19b9 <br />Comprehenslve Plan was high density mu7tiple family and the <br />proposed develapmen� is cons�stent with that land use abjective. <br />As noted above, the praperty �5 mostly covered by builc�ing arrd <br />asphalt with Iittle green 5pace. Add-itiona� green space would be <br />welcome and perhaps a reduction in density should be cans�dered to <br />achieve this objective, i"hough thz project meets densi�y req�airements, <br />�he reason there is minimal green space zs �hat �17 the garages <br />are constructed on surface ��ith no provision �or basem�nt parking <br />which is the me�had used in most mul-t-i��le c�E�vel�pmer�ts Wi��17C1 th� <br />Ci ty af RQSev� 11 e duri ng the past te►� y�ars . <br />