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Ordinance <br />R�; solut ion <br />Rexaxzing <br />Fuilding <br />Perr?zit <br />C( t�y 'Js�c! T�xr�s and Def�nition� <br />4 la3�r enacted by ��ze ��?t�iicina.l novernin�; bocly. <br />Fo.rmal declaration o_f a snscific action pertainin�; to a sn�cific set o£ <br />circturs ta_nces � <br />Change in the zoning c�.assification of a parcel of lanei_x-equiring publ�c hear- <br />ings befare the P�.anning Corronissa.nn and Council. (Cotmcil annxava2 rec�uires <br />4/5 majority). <br />Pem�it issuec� by the C3t_y the rece�ient to construct or remode� a <br />structure con£o�s tiaith the code, <br />Special L`5e Land use a3.].otaed in a particular zoning classificatifln but requi.xing a perinit <br />wfiich may be issue� a£ter ��abZic hearings be�ore the Planning Corr�ission and the <br />Cowzcil. <br />tiTar�ance <br />Miz�or <br />Variance <br />Sa.te Plan <br />A d�viation from code requirements when there are practical dif£iculties or <br />untisual hardshins in carrying out the provisions of the xoning code, <br />A deviatzan ficam code requirer;aents in regards to frant, side or rear yard setbacks <br />in R-1 and R--2 zoning distric�s. <br />Drawing or diagxam sha�rin�� all nhysical facilities on a parcel o£ 3and includinb <br />building, parking are�s, landsca�, access, etc. <br />Non Any structure or use af land la�afuZly existing befoxe rhe enactmer!t of a specifxc <br />Conformin� ordinance whzch does not con£orm to presen't zoning regulatians. ["grandfathered in"} <br />Da.visian of To dzvide a parcel of land�inta tiao io�s, <br />Lo't <br />Si�bdivision To da.vide a�arcel of ia�zd in�o �hree or more lots. <br />Vacation af Pracess of releasing lan�. which was previously dedicat�d to ,the City £or use as a <br />R.ight-oE-way roadway <br />Easemexz't <br />Preliminary <br />Plat <br />A parcel of land upon which the cxty or ind�vidual has obtained the Iegal right <br />'to mainta�n ar o�erate a speci�ic facility, <br />Tentative ma� or plan of a pranosec� subd�va.sion showing le�al boundaries, rights- <br />of-way, utilitie5, easements, layout o£ stxeet, water courses an� o�her features. <br />Final Plat l�1ap or plan af a subd�:vision as a final cloc�ent including a17. infoxmation xeq�red <br />on the preliminary pla� showing i.n accurate detail and incorpara�ing any necessary <br />changes agreed to in the prelir,u.nary pl�.t. <br />H�rd Shells Heavy paper used for final plat doct�ent, �ile� with City xeCOrds aftex <br />recordecl by x?,�gister of �Jeeds of the Covnty, <br />P.�anpartion- The distxibution to neirly formea parcels of an assessm.en't a�x�ady �evied against <br />ment a parceZ o� land necessitated by the division or plattzn� of the parcel. <br />Roseville Zan�in Classi�ications <br />?L�sidence Dzstrzcts �L�siness Distrzcts `�'� <br />R-1 ingl.e ami y 1mz�e <br />R-2 Zt,ro �amil.y B-1-B Lir.�ited Retai� <br />R-3 thru R--7 ?�z�.tzple Fa�ily B-2 Retaii <br />B- 3 ('�eneral <br />SC Sho�pin� Center <br />Inc�.us�rial Distri�ts <br />- � t <br />I-2 General <br />