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December 1, 1976 <br />PLANPJI�lG REPOR7 <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPE.ICRNi: <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTIOf� R�QUESTE[7: <br />PLAN�JING CONSIDERATTOPIS: <br />1026-76 <br />Minnesata-Ohio diI Corporation <br />Sou�F�east corner o� Caunty Raad D <br />and Cleve]and Avenue <br />Variance �fl [;ear ifard Set6ack <br />1. South of the existing service station site, tF�ere is a vacant lat <br />which the ap�licant propose$ to sell for the construction o�' a <br />single family home. T�e lQt 1in� (north side of the vacant iot) <br />is actual�y 2.75 -�eet �nside of the bui7ding. Tf�e applicant <br />proposes to move �his lot line 15 feet to the south prav�d�ng a <br />12.25 faot setback far the south e�d of the service station <br />bui�ding. The mov�ng of such a lot 1ine, where a new lot is r�at <br />created, is handled as an admini5tra�ive lo� line change by tF�e <br />Publ i c Worics Di rector. The remai r�ing i ot frontaye wi 11 be 75 feet <br />whicn,as nated, is to be soid �or �h� deveiapment of a sin�7e fami7y <br />t� or�e . <br />2. On the east side of the se�vic� sta�ion, the applicant pruposes <br />to move the 7ot l�ne to w�th;n 15 feei of the rear of ihe stat�an. <br />This is to provide for additional parking space which is ta be <br />sold to the cantiguous lot awner (Gunnar Pet�erson). Th�s� <br />proper�y is occupiQd by Mr. Pe�terson's home and a coniig�,ous <br />bea��y shop for which he has a parkinq 7oi for �6 cars. This <br />business has also been very success��l, and Mr. Fetterson is in <br />need of add�tionai �arking spaces, The plan would nrovid� for <br />the acquisition of initial �and fram the service station anc! <br />provision tor an additiona7 eighi car parking spaces. <br />3. The rear yard setback for the ser-vlce station is required ta he <br />20 feet. ThQrefore, the applicant is asking for a var�ance from <br />t#�e 20 feet to the I5 feet. This five foot of di�ference pravides <br />enough properity so as to adequately add the additional parking <br />needed �For Mr. Petterson's beauty shop aperation. <br />4• It �vould be he�pful if inembers af the P7anning Co�missior� and <br />Council co�,ld viet�l the siie ta ascertain tl�e conditions wi�h <br />res�►ect to t�e administrative lot line move and �he propas�d <br />varianee. <br />5. It would appear that �he proposed sh�ft in properiy lines w�11 <br />provide a new building site far a sin.y7e family home, and reasor�able <br />expansion for thz beauty shop to the �ast. it woUld appear not ta <br />adversely affect the �ervice sta�ion operation. <br />