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T0: <br />FROi�� : <br />51�3JEC�: <br />City Caunc7l <br />f�iidu�est P7at�ning and Research <br />Gearge fte� 1 i ng's Permi t Lo Fi 1 � Lncfer tf�e Sh�re Li ne <br />Zoning Orciinance <br />One of the pravi s i ons o-f the Sf�ore Li ne Zoni ny Ordi r�ar�ce recentiy <br />adopted, provides �hat fil�inc� or c�,tiinc� af terrain wi�hin 300 feet <br />a-F the shore of a�ublic water in the C�ty of Rosev?lle requires a <br />�er�nit, based upan thz subr�ission Q-F a ty��o�ra�hical m��� indicating <br />existing and prapased contours for the �roper�y in �ues�ion, i�ir. <br />Rei 1 i ng ��as subm3 tted a proposed devel a�m2n � p1 an �repar�d i�y Chai�l es <br />0. G�orgi Company, w�ho as yau kno���r, has prepar�d i�any develap�r�ent <br />pians Vlitnir� the City of Roseville. <br />The pra�erty in questiar� is �e�ufeen �Che nortr�+:rest shore o�F Lake <br />Owasso and Victor�ia Averrtu�, souih of County P.oact C-2. i"he pro�erty <br />varies in deptF� of�f Victoria �ram approximat��y 84 �ee� in its <br />sauti�eriy t�p to a maximum ap�raxir�ately 3D0 feet n�ar the northQrly <br />portion �f the proper�y. `fhe purpose of th� fill is ta raise the land <br />primar�ly contiguous to Victoria �1ven�e so as '�o provide f�r future <br />residentia7 deveYopmeni of a single fa�ily naiure. 7he propzrty is <br />z�ned R-1. for that purpose. <br />There was a time �vhen th�s area a-F land �•ras zncluded in the prajected <br />�'arks Program for �he Ci ty anrl County. Hc����ver �hi s property i s no <br />longer in the pr�jected acquisitiort proc�ram and ihus can be assumed <br />to be appropri ate7y coricli ti on�d far s i ngi e�Fami 7y cievel o�rr�nt. <br />Referr3ng to the surveyers existing and praposed co�totjr �rap, you <br />will note �hat tt�Q dot�ed contour ]inLs ti�hich indicate thn praposed <br />�ontours , siiow tha� the area of 1 anci next to �[ictor�i a w� 1� be fi 1� ed <br />to a depth of approxim�te�y 30 to 5�.feet, t��hich is desig�ed ta functian <br />as ti�° f��ure front yard for �he single -Famiiy 1o�s contempla-�ed for <br />the s7te, 7he sectTan in the uppLr ief� hand carner of th� dra�rinq <br />� ndi cates the typi ca1 prafi 1 e ti�lf7i ch ►�roul d al l o1•r for �tra1 {;-out basem�nts <br />or residential properii�s arieniced io+,�fard �a4ce sh�re. �ldditianal fi11 <br />is then added ta provide a gentle s1o�e ��r�m tne high wrater 1-ine �o <br />the proposecf basement 1�vel a�F �fne pro�osed residenti �1 si tes. You ��ri � 1 <br />no�i ce tf�at no fi 1� i s praposed �a be p� ac°d ar� thP I and belfl�-s the hi gh <br />�rater eleva�ion of E87.7. Th�s e1eva'�ion ti�:as es�ab3ish�d by the Uepartment <br />vf Pdatura7 Resources and i s the . contour level be3 o��r ��rh� ch -�i�ey do no � de- <br />sire tt�e fill �a b� pi�t in place. <br />It c�oul d appear that the '��� 11 i ng program praposed by the a}��� i cant � s a <br />resonable one dssigned -�o condit�ort �he praperty for� single fam�ly <br />devel o�men�t i n a prac-ti ca'i ar�d feasi bl e mann�r nat i nval 3 ng any dele �er� <br />14GS ef�ect 1��7031 �I32 P_t1VlY'OiIElic?�I� 1C! th� area or �1�r� Ci�y's ��b7ic inicr,est. <br />��1e have di scussed wi �h the appl i cant and t�e Publ ic i�lor4:s Direc�o�°, a <br />suc�ges�i�r� af the 1atter, tha� ap�rar.imately 5 to 8 i�ch deep s�•iale be <br />p�aced alang �t�e toe of th� slope during tnA proccss o� filiina as a <br />reasanable pr�cacation against erosi�n of �ha fi�l area and ttTe�ti�aashing <br />of such fiil ir�`o �he Lake beyond the hi�h r:ater marE.. Car�str�cLion o�' <br />such a s4ra1 e al ong the �o� a� �tl�� s1 ope i s a sf�gges�ed condi �ion �hat <br />