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;��E�FDA SECTION: <br />#������T ��� ���J��1� ��`�9�J� aA��:�sz,�z���� _-- <br />�}ATING DkP7./DEV.: <br />:t_��,��s ;�,��u �;�cu���,���r�a-rro;is c�uL��c �l0�:�5 <br />.�n:r n�o.: iT�rn ��scR:r���ou� -�ECH��JICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEP�IE��T AND <br />:�� -/�. AGEfJCY COtJ�CRACT FOR i977 <br />G <br />DEPT.NEAO APPROVAL. <br />C, �-f� <br />►�cR. nev�eweo/ R�co�ntis�rr�� : <br />�� <br />� �'� <br />Each year, the City of Roseville has ente�ed into an agr�ement with the <br />h9i nr�eso�a Fli ghway Department for tne �31^OV157Ui1 of techni cal assi stance <br />in re�ard tv various i�ems which ttzey have particular expertise. In order <br />to continiae this arrangement, it fs necessary that a resoluti.on be.•passed <br />once aga�r�, entering into an agr�er�e�nt for s�ch services and autharizing <br />�he city erlgineer to request the wark be dorie. <br />Th� secand agreement with thz Staie af Minnesota 4rhicf� is done each year. <br />is to have the S�ate agency be of�Fieially designated as the recip�en� of <br />the federal grants for roadY�ay purposes and to distr�bute these grants ta <br />Ros�vil]e as is ap�ropriate. This docu�nent basicaily.sets forth the con , <br />ciitians of obtaining bids and receiving payments from the Stat�_ <br />RECOMME��DED ACTION: <br />(1) Adap�ion af a reso7ution authorizi�g the mayor <br />and manager to enter iflto a technical and engin��r- <br />ing assistance ag�eement betweert the city and tne <br />t��i nn�sota Hi ghway Depa�^tmen� and setti ng �Forth the <br />ci�y engin�er a5 the individuai granted the authar-ity <br />to request sucl� �eci�nicai ass�s�ance from th� �]#nne- <br />sota Hig!�way Departme�t during 1977. A—� �.1Z � <br />�2� Adoption of a resoiuti�n au�horizin� th� mayor and- <br />mar�ager to enter i nto an agency agre�m�rrjent w1 th the <br />Depa �^tment of Hi gi�ways where�y the S�ia�e Hi ghmray <br />De�art�nent wou7 d serve as ager�t for the ci ty for <br />the collection and d7str�bu�ion of fed�ra� fund , <br />�� <br />� �� .� � . <br />a ¢_ ` �,.t � � � ..,,, <br />,,�. �h.-�. u �,� ., �;.�.:��. <br />,, � , ;, <br />a <br />' �j ,���� ; .,f . `'`�e t <br />` � ",. <br />�� ` �` t�l �,.� <br />�.� ,:�� � .� <br />� � w <br />