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jr � <br />\ <br />December 3, 1975 <br />PLANNI�G R£PORT <br />C;�SE f�Ui�1B�R: <br />APPLICANT: <br />L4CAT�ON: <br />A�TION REQUESTED: <br />PLANNII�G CO�STDERATTONS: <br />944-75 <br />Bureau Investment Carporation, 995 Van S1yke <br />Avenue, St_ Paui <br />Be�:�teen High��vay 36 Frontage Road and <br />LJest Perimeter Drive (see sketcl�l <br />Division o; a Lot and Special tJse Permit <br />l. The 6ureau investment Corporatior� is the con�raet purchaser o-F <br />the form�r Red i�:media�ely east of the Red Lobster <br />• Res�aurant location.. Th�s s3�e ti�ras originaily purchased by <br />the Red O�v� Corporation for the purpos� o� construc�ing a supermartce�, <br />bui has since been sold to the Bureau Investment Corporat�on_ <br />They c�rren�ly aUan 556.2 feet or frontage on property extending <br />fror� West Per�n�eter Road to the Frontage Raad north of Fl�gh�ray 36_ <br />2. At this paint, <br />sell it �o the <br />constructing a <br />is zaned 8-1B <br />�hey propose to divide the easter7y 135 �eet and <br />Poppir�' F'resh Pies �eople for the ptarpose a-F <br />5000 sc��are foot restaurant on the site. The praperty <br />�rhich also requires a Sp2Cia1 use nermii for approval <br />of tne site plan for any deve7o��nent in �he area�. <br />3. We have exar�i ned the si te pi ar� i� rel ati onsh i p to i ts parici ng <br />capacity and conformance to the re�u�r��ents of' the B-1S Dis�.rict <br />and find i� to meet the regulations, lale find, how�ver, that the <br />s�te size and shape is unusual7y long and narrow and requ-ires <br />a cortsiderab7e walk-ing distance from the norther�y portion to the <br />resta�rant located ai the far southern extremity. As indicated by <br />the Pillsbury people, who own Pappin' F�resh Pies, they tirauld <br />normaliy prefer a square si�te_ In tY�is case, however, the applicant <br />proposes to se17 the easterly s�rip rai.ner than divide the land <br />so as fio ut�lize �he frontage on both ends o� the block. <br />�4. O�r �r`a nci na1 cflncern a,�i th respect to �h i s request i s that havi ng <br />e5tablished a successful restaurant west af �he property, that <br />the dnve�opment of a Popp-in` Fresi� Restaurant o� the east encf will <br />in our opinion sUre7y attract a series oi restauran�s �r► betweer�_ <br />A ger�era� analysis of �he current econo�y as relates ta office <br />bui 1 c�� ngs and other cor�irterci al demands i n�he area , ti�oul ci i ndi catQ <br />the current market is sirongest for the development of restaurants <br />for the remainder af the property in question_ kIe sugges�, therefore, <br />that the d�czsion �o approve this development is real7y one of tirheth�r <br />or not we desire �o hav� a strip of franchise resta�rants -in the <br />area or not. We do not demean the value af a restaurant c�raup, Mre <br />realzze that typical franchise and other food out7ets find it <br />higk�ly desireable to be grouped in a specific area in a cor�r�unity. <br />lde endorse that conc2p� and have �n fac� pruposed it far ather <br />regianal center locat�ons. <br />