<br />Renul ar meeti nc� �f t!�e Ci ty Counci 1- Januar.}� l�?, Z°7�=�
<br />7he Ci t� C�ur;c� 1 s�et on the above ciate t•�i th the fol 1 at•ri na
<br />members oresen�: 1°°a��or [?er�as, Co�[ncilmen Anderso�, Curlev,
<br />Grauel , ��iC� I�!P55.
<br />7:3Q ;?.r�.
<br />A-1 liess i•�oved,��rson Seco��eied, t'�at t�e m7nutes nf �he �eetir�r. ��Ir�df;i�S
<br />or Janu�ry 3�2, 1!?7F, �e a�?�rcve�[. Ro1 � Cal 1,�lUes =�lrc�er-
<br />son, CUrlev, �r�uel, f[PSS, �nd Der�os. ";a��s� r�one.
<br />�-1 Cur�e�� �'oved, A.n�erson SAcc�r;c���f, t�at °�so7u�ion �':o. F335 R4SU�L�TIOP�
<br />a.�r,roving Count�� plans fc�r Co�antw Poad C, Pro.�ect �,o. SI�°-- ��I(�. �33�
<br />F2--�23-I5 (Cit;� P�1e. P-75-13j sha���ir�c; pro�osed aligrr,r�ent,
<br />pr�fi7�s, grades and sect�ons for tf�e r�constructien of
<br />Countv-State Ai cl Hi ahLJay 23 �,ii thi n ti�� 1 i mi ts a-F tf1� C� �y
<br />of P,oseville as a State �li� nroject be ��'onteel. Rc�i� Cal1,
<br />,���es; �.nders�n, Cur�le�r, �rauel, Fless, an� Dem�s. Iia�ts;
<br />r'on�.
<br />Curley �'oved, Ar�derson Seconded, if�at Resol�ztion "!o. 633� RESQLUTIO"�
<br />ordering tnp cor��truction of im�+rover�ent P--75-13 bP adapte�. z!{?. �33c
<br />Rol3 Cal7, Aves: �lnders�n, Giirley, �rauel, �!ass, and DP�ns.
<br />�d�5: �'1(3�3�.
<br />B-2 H�ss r?oved, Grauel 5ecanc;e�, tnat ?anCon, Inc, rer;ues� fQr
<br />division of �ot and rezonin� �rom R-� ta.��--1 at ?55 Grand-
<br />vies� be a�proved. Roil Call, �v�s. An�erson, Curley,
<br />Grauai , ��ess and Qer�os. ��lays; ^lo��.
<br />8-3 �rat�el ��oved, 1-��ss Secand�d, that $ar�Con, Inc. request for
<br />rre�iminar_y plat "Hi3lsbarou�'� ?��o. 4" at 2253 Rice S�.reet €�e
<br />anproved and a publie hearinc� on til� ffnal pla� and rezonin�
<br />�rnm R-6 and 8--1 to R-I and BT? at 2293 Rice Street be es-
<br />ta�l i shed for �he meeti nc� of Februar,y �, 197�. �?a11 Cal l,
<br />A�es: Anderson, Cur7ey, �rauel , Hess and ��r�os. "r'a��s= . ilon2.
<br />�i,P;COi�I, I^!C.
<br />255 r_,RA";D'�IE:�!
<br />GI�P(Cnil, T":�.
<br />22�3 P,i ce St.
<br />B-4 Artderson r'aved , Curl ev Seconded, that �ii chel ' s Constructi on t"I GE�EL' S LAiC� PA�fC
<br />Carrtpan�i reques� for fi nal . pl at anprova� "��?i chel `s La�*e Park"
<br />at 25C�� �•!flrth H�mline �� continued ta the meetinR of Februar,y
<br />°, 197�. Ra] 1 Cal l, Ayes : Anc�ersor�, Cur?ey, Grau°1 , Hess,
<br />and Der�as. �lays: flan�.
<br />8-c Grauel ���ov�d, Fless Seconcf�d, �hat Bureau Investm�ent Cor�ora- BUR�A[1 Ii�VESTt�'EPd7
<br />tion renuest for division of �ot and s�ecial use Dermit at CCRP(?P.ATiDPf
<br />1fl85 Trun;c I-ii gh�,�a±i 36 be conti n�ed ta th� r�eeti ng of ,�anuar.y
<br />2E, 197�. Ro�l Ca1i, A��es� Artdersan, C��rle,y, �rauel, H�ss,
<br />and �emos. Na,ys: ilone.
<br />C-1 Hess P"aved, �rauel Seconded, that Tan Curley be a�pointed
<br />Acti ng P!�ayor �for t�e 197G affi c� al vear. Rol l Ca1 i, P,yes :
<br />An�erson, Ctarley, �rauel , Hess and Demos. P�ays: "Jone.
<br />Hess r'oved, �rauel Sec�nded,that A1 �raue7 l-�e ao�c�i n�ed
<br />Li a i son f•�ember to tl,e P1 ann i ng Cnmrni ssi on for the 1�7E
<br />offi ci al t�ear. Ral 1 Ca11 , A��es : A�derson , Curl e,r, �rauel ,
<br />Hess, and Der�os. raays: rrone.
<br />ACTIRJG ^�';�YOR
<br />LIAIS�Pd T�' PLA"i`iIP?G
<br />C�i �?'.ISStOP�
<br />