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January 23, 197b <br />'�'0: City Council and City I�'[anager <br />FROM: Haward Dahlgren, City Pl.anner <br />SUBJE(.T: John Bureau's appl.icatzon fox ].at sp1�t and special use perrnit <br />for site plar� approval for "Poppin Fresh Pies" restaurant. <br />As you are all ati,�are, for the past fe�J �+reeks we have 3�een negotiating w�th <br />John Bureau regarding the development of the "Poppin Fxesh.�'ies" (Pillsbury) <br />Iocation on Froxztage Drive, wes� of the Mid.west Federal Savings and Loan <br />office. Our previous concerr�, as ihe basis �or o� da.sapprova�. from the <br />Planning Car►�mission, was based on the potential of the development of a <br />"fast foods strip" in this area of the City. Since that time tJe have re- <br />ceived �hree doctrrnents from John Bureau, as a result of our negotiations, <br />for the Council's consideration. <br />The �irs� doctAnen� is a lette�^ (a copy of which is attaChed) whexein <br />John Btireau {the owner of the land) agrees nat to utilztz� any of the re- <br />maining land for "fast food - carry out" operatians. The xemainder has <br />potential fax develapment of a more traditional sit-dawn restaurant such <br />as a pancake. house, steak house, and Eddie ��ebsterts, etc. AZr. Bureau <br />indicates.that he is in fact talking to the "Steak and AIe'" operation as <br />a patentxal use for the area. Roger 3ensen o£ yoixr City Attorney`s office <br />is aware o£ the contents of the 1e�ter a�.d ca.n be ca�l.ed on ta co�nent as <br />to its validity. <br />l�ir. Bureau has also pxepared a 51�E plan (avai�able at mee�ing) for the <br />pxaperty in question as it xelates to the rema�ning praperty tha� he o�vns. <br />You h ilI no'te an indica�ion for the possibilzty of a restaurant contiguous <br />to the Red IAbster and an indication for a potential o�fice for the <br />re�aining property. We are all aware, of couxse, tha� �he actual potent�:al <br />for an office building at this point is extremely limited in v�ew of the <br />"soft market" for competitive office building space in the �rtetropolztan <br />area. i�de are also aware tha� the B-� distr�ct to which this area is zoned, <br />is qiu�e restricted, disallowin.g a large nLUnber of commerc�.ax uses tivhich <br />t�rould be deliteriaus to this area. <br />A revxsed site plar� to the curx�nt restaurant proposal has been submitted. <br />'1'he principa�. change fram the p�evious p�an zs �hat the building is now <br />set back 102 fee� co�r?pared to the previous 30 feet, and is naw zn ��ne with <br />the set back establishe� by the Red Lobster restaurant ta the west. The <br />grass area in the front of the site required to be a minimurr� of 15 feet is <br />30 �eet. '1'he restaurant seats 140 peaple and would recEuire 47 pa�lczng <br />spaces. 78 spac�s ar� proudea in the p�an. The ordinance requires tha� <br />3% of �he parkin.g area be �andscaped which in this case wot�ld be 1029 square <br />feet. There is 160D squa�e feet plus the additionai 15 feet o£ grassed <br />area provided in the 30 foot setback. The building ha,s been raised in area <br />to 500� square feet which is the pxescribed miniltzum in the oxdinance. I <br />have had our Iandscape axchitect examine the landsCape plan whzCh was designed <br />to be sirailar in detail and extent �a that o� the Red Lobster restaurant. <br />W� find the species and. iocation of the planis proposed to be apprapriate <br />and cons�s�ent with the qua�x�ty of �he Red Lobstex whn actually did an ex-- <br />cellent job (once ihey got rid of �he F�orida species oxig�.nally prapased <br />for the szte}, <br />