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<br />NOTICE OF HEARING <br />ON IMPROVEMENT UL-97-10 <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, will <br />meet at the City Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, in saíd City, on the 14th day of July, 1997, at 630 <br />o'clock p.m. to hold a public hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 as amended on <br />proposed Improvement UL-97-10, including all that property abutting Iona Lane from Western <br />Avenue to a point 200 feet west ofIona Circle, Irene Circle, and Iona Circle by the installation of <br />ornamental street lights and necessary appurtenances. The foregoing is substantially in <br /> <br />_~__._..J~._~_ __~...1_ _ ___ ''___0_ _ _"" ,,' l' (W1 1 _ __ ,_ __ '-1°_ <br />accoroance WHn a prellmmary engIneenng repon wmcn IS now on rile ana open 1O PUOllC <br />inspection in the office of the City Manager. <br /> <br />The cost of the imnrovement is oresentlv estimMen ;¡t $41 400 The nronerties nronosed to be <br />- - - - - - - - - - - ---- - --. .- - - . - - - - - - - - -- r - - - - - - --.J - - - -- - --- - - - --- ~ - - , . - - . - - - - c- - - r - - - - - r - - r - - -.- - - . - <br /> <br />assessed for the improvement shall be the following <br /> <br />01-29-23-31-0084 01-29-23-31-0093 01-29-23-34-0002 01-29-23-34-0011 <br />01-29-23-31-0085 01-29-23-31-0094 01-29-23-34-0003 01-29-23-34-0012 <br />01-29-23-31-0086 01-29-23-31-0095 01-29-23-34-0004 01-29-23-34-0013 <br />01-29-23-31-0087 01-29-23-31-0096 01-29-23-34-0005 01-29-23-34-0014 <br />1\ 1 "'1\ "'.., .., 1 1\1\00 "1 '·'H"'\ ,,') "") 1 f'\f\(V¡ (\ 1 "'lì ""~ "It f'\f\f\L:. £'\1 ,)í\ ')'1 '1,.1 £'\í\1 C <br />V l-¿'';1-''J-J I-VVOO V 1-¿,7-¿,J-J I-VV';/ f U l-L. ';I-L.J-J<t-VVVU v l-L.';1-".J-y·-t-VV 1 j <br />01-29-23-31-0089 01-29-23-31-0098 01-29-23-34-0007 01-29-23-34-0016 <br />01-29-23-31-0090 01-29-23-31-0099 01-29-23-34-0008 01-29-23-34-0017 <br />01-29-23-31-0091 01-29-23-31-0100 01-29-23-34-0009 01-29-23-34-0018 <br />01-29-23-31-0092 01-29-23-34-0001 01-29-23-34-0010 01-29-23-34-0019 <br /> <br />All persons desiring to be heard with reference to the improvement and the area proposed to be <br />assessed therefor may appear and be heard by the City Council at the time and place stated above <br /> <br />Dated: June 26, 1997 <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />Steven Sarkozy <br />City Manager <br />