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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 23,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Ms. Barsel had approached the School District Boards for their involvement in <br /> similar discussions and programming. <br /> Ms. Barsel advised that, to-date, she had only approached the Financial Commit- <br /> tee of School District 623, but that the NSSC was preparing to address other Dis- <br /> tricts and agencies. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that it would be good to involve the Board <br /> members of those two organizations with this report as well. <br /> Ms. Barsel advised that the organization of this initiative was still in progress and <br /> was functioning at this time as a think tank, but would hopefully encompass other <br /> boards and community members in the near future. <br /> Regarding decentralized gathering spaces, Councilmember Willmus advised that <br /> the Parks and Recreation Master Plan included both decentralized and centralized <br /> gathering spaces. <br /> Based on the condition of the existing Fairview Community Center, Ms. Barsel <br /> suggested that the Master Plan Implementation provide more emphasis on a cen- <br /> tralized gathering place as a more imperative community need. <br /> Councilmember Pust, on behalf of the NSSC and as its current President, thanked <br /> Ms. Barsel for her attendance tonight; and elaborated on the work of the NSSC <br /> over the last several months, with the survey the culmination of a lot of different <br /> groups and people, and spearheaded by Ms. Barsel. Councilmember Pust advised <br /> that it was the intent of the NSSC to take the survey out to various community <br /> groups; and provided her phone number (651/503-2725) as another way to obtain <br /> a copy of the survey. Regarding School Districts, Councilmember Pust advised <br /> that there was currently a contractual agreement with the School District, and that <br /> there was significant financial support received from the Roseville School Dis- <br /> trict. While there was currently no direct connection with other School Districts, <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that the NSCC was not Roseville-specific and was <br /> planning to seek support from other entities, an action step that has been too long <br /> deferred. In noting that the City of Roseville's contribution of $6,000 in funds <br /> toward senior transportation services, Councilmember Pust noted that the Rose- <br /> ville School District's financial contribution was significantly more than that <br /> amount annually in support of senior programs. Councilmember Pust advised that <br /> it was the view of the NSSC that the cities haven't stepped up enough, and that <br /> they were now going to be asked to do so. Councilmember Pust suggested that <br /> this discussion be held at the City Council's upcoming strategic planning meeting. <br /> Discussion included other opportunities to provide the survey to the public, in- <br /> cluding through Survey Monkey, which the City had access to. <br />