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� <br />Decen��er 3, � 975 <br />PLANfSIP�C, IZEPORT <br />C�SC PdUP��l3FR: <br />{`,€�PLTCAPaT: <br />�.ac��r� or� : <br />����o�! ��:quFST�a: <br />PLA3JfdIiaG COT�SIDERATIOP�S: <br />945-75 <br />Q«n-Con, Ir�c_ <br />f�ori.hti�°st corner o� M7 nneso�a Aven�e --- <br />anc� R-i ce StreeL <br />�ezor�i nq fro�� R-6 anc� B-1 �o R-1 and B-2 <br />ancl Approval oF Prelimir�ary Plat <br />1. ihe prope�^ty �n c��testion represents the rer�a�r�der of the land otivned <br />by the 8an-C�n people Zn f�oseville �n this area. Th�y propos� <br />to dedi cate approxi ma-tel y a 1 i t�ti e over an acre oF the aresterl y <br />portion as an add�i�ion to hlaterion Parl:. The centraZ �ortion �s <br />prooased to be re}�latted �nto eight single family hane s��es. <br />The rem�-ining 200 feet �o the east is praposed ta be rezaned from <br />8-1 and R-1 �o B--2. Ti�i s area ti�r� �h 200 feet af depth and 217 <br />feet of fro��age on Ri ce Street ��oul d be di v� ded � n tuao -Fo�� the <br />potcnt�al use of a poss�b7e pa�r of res�at�ran�s on these s�tes. <br />I�fo sper_i fi c cEevelopmen� i s propased ror these si tes at thi s i-i me. <br />2. Large sca� e draG��i nc�s v�i 11 be avai 1 a61 e ai the meeti ng to betLer <br />i� 1 ustrate the proposed i ar�d �ases as t��ey rel ate to thP to�oarapl�y <br />anc� contiouous devela�rr��nt. The land �t°opased to be dedicated <br />for �aark nurposes is very attractive property, much of it heavi�y <br />ti��oo�eef or� �ne souih er�d of the pond and ridye area an the eas� <br />side o-F Niaterior� Park. You ti,ril7 r�ca11 po��tions of ti�e pand <br />and park areas 6ei ng dedi ca�.ecl by the Ban--Con peop�e a feti•� montfis <br />ago. " <br />3. The subdi v� si on of �he 1 ar�d for si ng� e�-anii 1y purposes wi � 1 e�hancn <br />the exi sti ng st ngl e fami 1y devel ot�,rer��� i n the area and func�i on <br />as a trans i t�i or� �o tfae corrmerci al devel opr��nt �ha� ex� sts ta �he <br />nortneast and as proE�osed to the east on Ri_ce Street. Eval�atior� <br />o f the proposed �-2 zoni ng on Ri ce Stree-E woul d be enhancec� � f�� <br />speci �fi c devel opmen� were ava i 1 ab-I e. Assu��i ng care�F�l si t� p1 �znni nc� <br />of �ny speci fi c praject , i� tivaul d ap�ear iYtai, the �i-tes coul d <br />be U:el7 handled in relationship �o access and buildinc� locat�ion. <br />�xami nati on of �he topographi ca1 rnaps at tne meeti ng ti�ri 11 i ndi cate <br />�he cons�icierable c�rade difference be€:�aeen t�4innesota 5tree� a�d <br />tne Q-2 prQperty_ I� this �s pra�erly hand�ed, �t cou�cE serve as <br />a substantial screeninc� elemer�'� for any -Future devel��mer�t af the <br />properti es i n ques�ci an _ Access ofF af 1�Joodbri dge Street can <br />be emphasized as a means of minimizing traffic direc�ly off R3ce <br />Szreet or P�linnesota Street. <br />