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�r�c������ r��� �������� �� � ��� <br />AGENDA SFCTlON: ORiGINATl�fG DEPT_/DIV.: <br />Reports F P.ecnif�mendations A�lm <br />ITEM NO.: ITEM DESCRiPTION� Jam�es �ti'1��71e)r renuest for preliminary plat <br />E-1 a�pxoval "S�tiTeeney Southvieti,� Heights" a� i}ie 170� block of <br />s. <br />M�ETING �2_15-75 , <br />DATE: <br />DEPT. HEAD P�R VAL. <br />MGft. REViEWEp/ RECQhqi�,tE'� . � : <br />r� <br />±,��C� <br />The Planning Corrtmission at its Sep�embex� 3, meeting took the fol_lotiving action an l��r. Sweeney' � <br />request: <br />i,qr. G. Johnson moved �d P-�r. Kellett sec�nded, that the Com�s�ission re�o�rstnend a�proval of <br />Jarr�es Stiaeeney's request £or pre�i�inary plat "Swceney Southvietiv Hei�;hts" at the 170fl blocic <br />of Illamecla. <br />Mr. V. Johnsan �naved and b�?r. Grauel secondeci, that the mot�on bc amendzd ta read th,a'� the <br />Cammission recomQn�nd that the City Caunczl investigate the pos5ible purchase c�f <br />rlr. Sweeney's pxoperty for park purposes, an.d that i£ the pxoperty is not �urchased for <br />park ].anci tha�C the Co;imiission reco�unend approval o� James Scaeeney's rec�uest for pre- <br />liminaxy plat "Sw�eney's Sou-�hview Heights" at the 1700 block of Alarr�eda �aith the conclition <br />that fh� pond area Ue dedicated to the Ciiy af Roseville, Roll Ca�l on a�nendmen�: Ayes; <br />V. Jahra.son, P�stel, Cushing and (�ratzel. Nays : Kellett, Rukavina anc� G. Jahnson. <br />Ro11 Ca1� on the mo�ion as amended: Ayes: V. Johnson, �7astel, Cushing and Grau�l. <br />Vays: Ke�Iett, Tbakavina a�d G. 3ahnson. <br />The Counc�l a� its 5epterr�er 8, meeting continued A'�r. S�veeney's xec�uest for preliminary <br />plat appxoval anc� referred_ the appli.�atian to the Paxlts � Recreation Committe� for their <br />revie�,r asid recom�r,endation. <br />The ��ecreation Committee has reviewec� tlae application. They inc�icate that although the <br />property is included in its long acc�uisit�ion plans, there are presently no ftznds <br />available for its purch�se. See a��ached memo from the Parks � Recrea�.ion Director. <br />In additi.on, xt is the Recxeation Committee's xecommerzda'txan �hat if_ a�.�alk�ay easemer�t <br />around the pand cauid be obtained, that;�they would Iike to sez �he pond dedic�ted to the <br />Ciicy. However, xf the wal.ktiaay easemen�. is not obtained, they woulc� xeconunend that ihe pond. <br />not be c�edica�ec� to the City. <br />I£ the Coun.ea.l shpLild deczde tha� �he pand not �e dedicated to <br />Directox .recomniends tha:t ar� easement be included in thc .fina�i <br />�aa�er and purification. <br />Attached are tjie Pi anr'�er's repor�s. <br />the Ci cy, the Pu�lic h'a.rks <br />piat for pur�ases of storm <br />Counci�. Action Requested: A�Tation (appxaving) (denying) ( rir. J�nes Sweeney's <br />x�quest £or pxel�nxnary p].at ap�xoval "Sweeneyfs 5outhv:z.ew <br />Heigh�s" a� the I7Q0 BJ�ock of Alameda and estabTish a public <br />hearing on the final p�.a� for Janua�y �.2, 1976. <br />(Gouncil �iay desixc to in�lude conclitions depending on �vhat <br />the final cfecision xs regardin.g the declication o�£ the ponc�) . <br />