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MEE71iVG 2_2�_��? <br />������� ��� ���l���s�� ������� DAT�: <br />AGENDA 5ECTldN: ORIGlTlAiING dEP7./D1V.: DEP7. HFAD APpROVAL. <br />Repoxts €� Recommendations Adm � <br />i <br />i�� �h0.: ITEM DESCRIPTiON� ���cr Lodge re�uest fox extension o� MGR. F2EVIEWED/RECOM�,�ENDS: <br />�- �° � special use permit a� � 32� County Road �3-2 - - --- ----- _�__���,� _ <br />��e Council at i�s Jul.y 21, 1975 rr��eting approved Tusler Lodge xcquest £or rezoning <br />fxom R-1 to P.-3A, special use permit and conditional u�e p�;rmit ai 1321 Cotulty Roaa <br />B--2 with the condition �hat the us�; a� the buzlding �e limi�e� to I.oc��;e pux}�oses. <br />The special use permi.t e�pired .Januaxy 21, .1976. In Januaxy, prior to the expzratio�?, <br />the Ci�y staff had discussions Zaith Mr. Jerry Ockerman, a.t�o�-ney representizlg Tusler <br />I�oc�ge. �lt tha� time he inclicated �that the Iodge had no�C been able ta begin constructi.on <br />and tha� they would need to appl.y �ox an e�rtension of the speciaZ use pex7a�t. However, <br />the request iaas not xeceiv�d un�il aF�er the s�ecial use hac� expired. {See attached <br />].ettex) . <br />The City Attorn.ey �.ndicates �ha-� �:he Counci� may approve the extension if they sa desire. <br />1'he Attaxney poi.n.i:ed ou� that if approved, the Council wolzld be setting a precedent fox <br />appxav�.ng an extension of a special use after �t has expired. However, he said that �he <br />cir•c�nns�a�ces could b.e considered zm.zqu� since the applican� had in.dicated orally his intent <br />to appXy far the exten�ion prior ta the expiration but through oversight hac3 not s�mittecl <br />the letter untzl later. <br />CoLmci� 1lction Req,ues�ed: Motion (approving) (denying} {contznuing) Tu;ler Lodge <br />rec{uest �ox e�ctension. of their special use pEZ�n�t at <br />1321 County Road B-2 ut�til July 21, 1976. <br />� <br />