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AGEt�fDA SECTION: <br />l,�;JQ;;-!"S �I�ID RLCVi�1�lEi1�]E1��I0;1S <br />0 <br />MEETI�JG �/L3/7�7 <br />���ai���� ��f� �.r������ ��a����l DATE---- <br />ORfGINAiING DEP7./DiV.: <br />PUGLIC :;0?�:S <br />D�P7_ HEAD APPROVAL_ <br />� � ` r� <br />ITk�+� NO.: ITEivI DESCRIPTION' � h1GR. REVIEtiVED/RECOP,AMEMDS: <br />�� �.w� �� Cf�ang� �r-ders fJo. 3 ar�d �, Fir�z 5tatio« i�lo. 3, ��^ojtct P�i-74--30 ���� <br />bJi�Ln pi ans vrere pr�p�re� for the Fi r� Stati on, t4�e desi cfn �al ]ed -�or a tivi c�� <br />cancr•eie dri vea�ay openi �g fror;� t�a fron� of tfie stati on ta ti�� �xi sti ng <br />aspf�alt on Da�� Stre�t. Just as th� vror�c a�1as about ta be per�arr�ed, t��e <br />Rar�s�y Cou�ty peop7� notified i;�e contract�r �hat hr� �iad no� s^curec� �►err7ts <br />fra� thei r of-Fi c� approvi nc� thi s desi �r,. <br />In canc�ucti rT� �:I�ie revi e��, the County n�anclated t}iat the o�er�i ng b� narro.,�e�# <br />ar�d �t�a� the �a�� r�g m���eri a] be al tered fro�n cor�crci4 ta asphal t. Thi s was <br />danz and tn� perrnit ���as �hcn issued by �he Cflunt_y. Such a revision, hot�r�ver, <br />resu�t�d in iess pav�rr�ent b�ing placed and t�a� a 7ess exp�ns�ve aspnalt <br />nzateri al be usec� raf:f��r �than cancrete. Credi ts ti�er� ther�fr�t°� i n order fror� <br />the contrac-ior. <br />ii�is �•rorlc wras ordered as FieId Order• PJo. 3�rith ar� Es�imated cost whic� <br />sYro�.�ed $9�-0. Or� �>ror�i� of credi t cor�i ng �a the Ci ty . TSii s w�s ch�l 1 eng�d at <br />the tir�e and f�as oeen by tt�e Ci�y sta�f cont�n+.��us1y t)zrough tl�ese nego�iat�c�ns <br />as bei ng toa i asv a crecli t fi �ure, 7o expecli te ti�i ngs , hoti�r�ver, C�ange Order <br />;ao. 3 was pr�pare� at this �94Q.0� cr�dii iigur�, and subseque��1y, tfle c��t- <br /> i�as agreed tt}at. an addi ti ona7 �224. �D o-F credi � i s du� the Ci ty a�d <br />tF�i s aetou�t. has tfier��Fore b�e�z shaarn as Cf�ange Qr�er ila. 7. The ta�al credi t <br />to �1�e Ci ty -���et�, for tf�ese t�va c�3anc�e orders corn�i r�ed, i s�115�. �a. Thi s <br />bri riqs t}ie to�al deducti ons �'or th� j ob �o �24�5 .0� whi c� ,�vh�n co�nbi ned v�i th <br />the total additians of �2�33.04, pro�uces a con�ract �ata7 af �272,Q79.C3�, <br />GOUi��IL AC7I0}t REf�ElESTEL�: <br />A) Rpproval of Change Order fdo. � for Fi r� 5�a�ion f�lfl. 3, Prdject P�-7�-30 <br />� n th� amo�r�t o�f �9�0.00 crecli t�For C+1c�11C�2S 11l �he dr� v�way appraach <br />i denti f� ed as Fi el d Order F�ia. 5. <br />6} Appravai of Change �r�er ,'Ja. 7 for Fi re S�catior� t•�a. 3, Project P��--74-30 <br />i n the ar�ount of �224, 00 cr�edi t for adj ustments to Chan�e Ord�r ito. 3 <br />on t��e 4+rorl; dor�e w� th t�e dri ve a�praach. <br />