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NDA SECTION : <br />n�arings <br />���i1��T �0� C���C�L ��i��� <br />RIGINATING DEPT./DIV_: <br />�Iclministra%ian <br />� <br />MEETING �/g/76 <br />OATE: <br />�EPT_ 1�fFAD <br />ITEM NO.: I iTEM DESCRIPTION: �rK TETTIlI11a.I request for rezoning from Z--� tO�MGR. REVI£WED/iiECOMM�NDS: <br />�•� �-2, speci�l use permit, vacation of x-ight-of-��ay, and condit onal <br />■ico riorm�t ni- �F.0/1 4v��nv� ft1Tr..-�„r. <br />The Plannind Commission a� its ASarch 3 meeting recommended approval. of PI� <br />Terminal's requ�st taith �he fal2owing conditi_ons: <br />].) That the Osti�er shall d�ve�op the truck texminal £acili�ies in <br />a�cardance �+riih plans submi.�ted and dated February 25, 197b. <br />4 . <br />2) That the Own�er agrees to dedzeafe appraximately 10.6 acres <br />of Iand shown on plans claied March 27, 1975. '1'he e�act <br />property �.�nes shall be sub3ect to adjustment to the extent <br />that �.he minirnum de}�th of dedication sha11 be 100 feet from <br />the can�rol 1eve1 of Lan�ton Lake as described by survey <br />after anelting o� �now caver in the Spring of 1976. <br />3) That the OG�rner ded�cate the eastexly half (30� feet) of b'[otu�t <br />Ridge Road sauth o� the north sicie a� Iona Lane and the eas�erly <br />10 feet of Mount Ridge Raad from Iona Lane to C:ourity Road C-2. <br />�) That the Oti�rner gxarit a pexmanen-t xoad�aay easement far a <br />cul de sac (5U x 100'j at the proposed nor�.h tenninus af <br />p�'ior Avenue . •� <br />5) That a�l facil.itaes relating tb public uta.lities on the <br />s�.�e, both existing and as requirecl in the fuiure resulting <br />from storm drainage constxuction, be provided with easements <br />for access, canstruction, operati.on and maintenance as <br />approved by the Ci�ty. In addition reasflnable access shall <br />be provided to fi.he ci'ty prop�xty �ox city personnel �o <br />undertake its i�rp�a��em�nts and �!aintenance a� ihe sitc. <br />6) <br />7) <br />That the Octiner agrees to prov�.de eas�ment access and build <br />ttu�el, sub3ect to City's desigi� approval, to accommoda�e <br />sanitaxy sewex and-other utilities under the a�aner's strud�xes. <br />r, <br />That the sux£ace drainage cantrol devic� Iocated di.x'ectly sou�h <br />oi Lang�on Lake sha1l be located �tiTithin 2Q fee� of the north <br />line af oi�rner's property and ; be ` maintained by �he o�ti�er. <br />8) That berms be limited to those areas can�ai�ng lzt�le <br />exisring tree growth and done as pzr the plans at �the time <br />of �he development o£ Phase T zJith the oianer depos�tzng any <br />excess fzll on ihe adjacent c�.ty park as dixected by the City. <br />9) That a1I x�no£F and pol.lution cantxal devices solely <br />his deve]_apmezt sha11 be maintained by the o�,mer. <br />