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A�-�!pA �EC710N: <br />� <br />�?������" �'C.�� �+���.����. :�� �`���� <br />. �ORIGINATING DEPT_/DIV.: <br />Reparts and. Recommendatians Park and RecreaCxon. <br />ITEM Na.: t7EM pESCRlPT10N: <br />�--� S�aie Highway Lease--Property N. of Hwy. 3b & Vic. <br />MEETthG � <br />DA7E: <br />DEPT. A APPRO'JAL. <br />� <br />MGR. REVIEWED�' kECO��tMENbS : <br />__ _� f� � _..____ <br />In 1972 the S�ate Highway Departmen� praposed erec�ing a five <br />�oot tence on State Highway property along Highway 36. At that <br />txme the state asked the City o� Rosevii].e i� they would be <br />interested in 1e�.sing the prope�ty east af Victor�a N�orth of <br />Highway 36 for open. space purposes . If r�ot--the State HighGray <br />Depa�tment �aoul.d have located the proposed fence up to Cope Street <br />thus the residen�s from making use of this 7.and. <br />4 _ <br />We asked to h�ve the �ence put �a.p closer to Highway 36 and pro- <br />ceeded to lease the property trom �he sta�Ce. <br />The land is beir�.g used �or gar�.ens ... chi.efly by �he neighbars <br />...a sma11 golf course and ba11-p�aying area. <br />It is reco�ended to can�inue thzs Iease agreement wi�h the <br />S�ate High�aay Department. <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: <br />��otion adopting a resolu�ion author�zing the h7ayor and C�ty ��an.ager to <br />sign lease no. H-2598 with the A4innesota Depart�nent of Highways. <br />