<br />City of Roseville
<br />�egular meetiny of the City Council - Marc� 1�, �976
<br />The City Counci] met on the above date with the foliawing members
<br />present: Mayor DemoS, Councilmen Graue], fiess and Anderson, r�4embers
<br />absent: Councilman Curley.
<br />A-1 Grauel tloved, Hess Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of
<br />Flarch 8, 1976, be approved with the following amendment: Page 2,
<br />section 12, should read "That the owner shall post a performance
<br />band at the beginning of eaeh of the phases in the amount af i�
<br />times the estimated costs of the develapment of grading, surfacing,
<br />storm water management, utilities, berming, lighting, and screeni_n�c."
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, �nderson and llemos. I�Jays: ��None.
<br />C-2 Grauel Moved, Ness Secanded, that a Council wark session be estab-
<br />lished on Wednesday, March 24, lg%6, beginning at 6:00 p.m. for the
<br />�urpose af conducting a prelim�nary review of capital improvement
<br />Reeds. Roli Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />E-1 Hess Moved, Anderson Seconded, that Dr. Clifford Wood's request for
<br />building permit in accordance with the Lakeshore Zoning Ordinance
<br />at 31'i South Owasso fioulevard be approved. Roll Call, t�yes: Grauel,
<br />Hess, Anderson and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />E-2 �lnderson Moveci, Hess Seconded, that the bid for the purchase of ane
<br />new 1976 Police package mode] 4-door statinn wagon in the amount af
<br />$�+,995•00 be awarded to Central Chrysler Plymouth, Inc., and the
<br />bid for the purchase of one new 197b carry-all or suburban type van
<br />designed for Police emergency ambulance service in the amaunt of
<br />$6,328.16 be awarded to Rosedale Chevrolefi. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Grauel, Ness, Anderson anci Demos. tJays: none.
<br />�-3 Grauel Moved, Hess Secanded, that the following applicati�ns be re�erred
<br />tn the f'lanning Commission meeting of /lpri� %, 1976:
<br />1)
<br />2}
<br />3)
<br />1� }
<br />5)
<br />6)
<br />.�
<br />Rase Marinelli request ��r preliminary plat at 29�10
<br />01 d H i ghway t3 .
<br />J. M. DucfdTes�on request fo� preliminary �alat and
<br />vacat i on of r° i ght-of-way at 445 Sou th Ot�uasso �31 vd .
<br />Dayton-liudson Carporation request for variance to
<br />rear yard setback at 1515 LJest County Road i�.
<br />Southland Gorporation request for variance to rear
<br />yard setback and number af parking spaces at 1909
<br />iJarth Lexington Avenue.
<br />Allied Stores and M. M. Development, Inc. request
<br />for preiiminarv r�lat, rezoning from B-1 and I-1 ta
<br />B-1 anri B-1B. special use permit and variance to number
<br />of parking spaces and pylon sign size at 1750 W. Ht�ry. 36.
<br />Ganadian �inancial Corporation request'fior rEZOning
<br />from B-2 to R-3, special use permit for a planned
<br />unit development, an� varian��s to the zoning ordi-
<br />nance for building height, floor area ratia, lot
<br />area (density), and parkiny at 2800 �dort�: Snelling.
<br />Call, Ayes: Grauel, Hess, Anderson and Demos. fJays: None.
<br />7�30 p.m.
<br />�OLICE VEi-{ICLE
<br />61QS
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