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A'.GEi�lG:+ SEC710f�4: <br />Hearings <br />rr�ETi"� 4-12--7b <br />��?����.�� ���3 1.�'�.r9�1'�s�'a�3..� �� � 6���� DATF. <br />ORIGIiVA7lNG DEPT./DIV.: <br />Aclm <br />DEPT. ii�laD C,PPRUV0.L_ <br />� <br />P1 140.: ITEM DESCRIP�lO++' \�(�C�1L'�5 COI15t�'LiC�10I7 C;ompany reauest �az• fznal �""GR_ RE+iIEW��/r�.��0��'r.'�_PtDS: <br />B-1. plat approtiTal "�"iclzels J�ake Park" at 2500 North Hamlille .''� , <br />..__.___ __ _ ``� �� .� � _ � <br />� <br />The Planning Commissior� at its De�ember 3, meeting unanxlr�ausly recommended appxov�l <br />of hiiche�s Construction Company request far prelim�nazy plat 'Triiche�s Lake Paxk" at <br />2500 North I-IamZine and also recoinmended that Fernc��ood Avenu� be irr�raved betiaesn <br />Brooks and Oakcrest an.c� the ��dicatzon of the park pxoperty be accep�ed by the City. <br />The Coun.cil approved the preliminary p].a� on DecerZber $, and continued �he hearing <br />on the fina� plat frar!� the meetings of January 9, February 9, and Pala.rch 8, becatjse <br />�he hard shells were not completed. <br />Mr, AZichels is sti11 encountering difficulties w:zth the ease�ent ti�rhich �Villiams <br />Bxothers Pipellne has on �he pxoperty. Until that questa.on is resQlved the hard <br />shells cans�.ot be corr�le�ed. <br />Cotmcil Action Reauested: l��tion continuing Michels Construct�an Company <br />requesi £or fznal plat approval "Mzchels Lake Paz�k" <br />at 25aQ Rrorth Hamline l.mtil �h� mee'�ing of r�fay 1Q, <br />1976. <br />