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mttrav� 4-�9-76 <br />���:.y��� ��� i.s��,J�'a.s��L. �'4.r������ DaTE: . <br />AGctdDA SECTI�N : <br />Reports �i Recommendations <br />ORIGINATING DEP'r./OIV.: <br />Adm <br />DEPT_ }iCAD A?P <br />�Y=n,� r�a.: iT�M DESCRIPTtO�' ROSeVllle ��zma.n Rights Recommendation MGR. RE�IItV'.EQ/RECOMh1�P]pS: <br />��' _� Regarding O�dinance on Hand.icapped Paxking �'� <br />At its Apri� 1.4th meeting, the Roseville H�.unan R�ghts Commission conszdered the <br />Catm.c�.l's proposal to include temporary handicapped persons �n the proposed ordinance <br /> to handica.pped parking stalls. The Comm�ssion imanimously adapied �he <br />following motion: <br />The Rosevzlle �Ium�.n Rights Co�tission strongly reco�nnends that wording <br />which includes teraporarily han.dicapped individuals no� be inserted into <br />an orcl.inance confrolling handicapped parking spaces since the certificate <br />card available from the State xs issuEd anly on an annual basis and is <br />not avaiiable to ihe temporarily handicapped, thus it would sev�rely <br />i.nhibit the er�frarcement o� such an• ordinance. <br />A member of the �-haman Rights Comtnissian wil� be present to answer any questions the <br />Council r�ay have cancerning �he proposed ordinance. If �he Council decides tha� such <br />an ordinance �s appropriate, the following motion woul.d be in order: <br />Motion authorizing the City Attorney to draft an ord.inance specifically <br />prahibiting non handicapped individtials from parking in spaces designated <br />for and identifxed as being xeserved for har�dicapped citizens. <br />