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AGFNQA SECTIUN: <br />.._.,�J:;� ,7 :,�.il� iZ�\. J•.. iL.r"4ii��+1'.�tiJ <br />I-fcM f�;U_: <br />.. �� 7� <br />ITE�r1 D�SCftIPT10N' <br />Y'�'.�..'+� '4..7.6-.4.J � ! `1.d J'a 'wY'�.✓'#✓ p'-7 �r7 7 3�. Y'7 �.7 � Y'4.✓ i 3 <br />ORIGINATtIvG OEPT./DIV_: <br />, , �- <br />1 �. <br />����. L ..'�.�i.��J <br />Ag�ceement for sweeping of County s�ree�s <br />�EPT. HE�.D APPROVA�. <br />� �` �I - <br />M#GFt_ R�1;IEWED/RECQr�fMcNDS: <br />The Ramsey County commissioners have for several months been. holding discussi.ons with <br />variQUS suburban communities in itamsey County on the possibility of certain �ainte- <br />nance an County roads be�ng dan.e by the suburban authorities rather �han <br />Che County. One such area of ctiscussion involves the sweepzng of County roadways. <br />It has been found through experience that several roadways in Roseville have been <br />swep� only once by the County during the year, and this quite late in th� seasnn. <br />The County daes nok have enough equipment and manpower to currently i.mprove this <br />situation and in iact has been receiv�.ng bids from private sweeping compaaies to <br />improve bath the quality and the quanti�y of this service. <br />Zt was felt thaC perhaps the public might be better served by having t�e municipal <br />agencies take over so�e of these responsi.bilities on certazn county roads <br />wi�h the caunty reimbursxng the muni.cipalities for thei.r expenses. Meetings were, <br />therefnre, held between the various �municipalities and a basic agreement reacned <br />oi a rate o� �325.00 per mile for providing twice a year sweeping. �his is based��� <br />on last years expenses experienced by the County plus ].itCX�A.S°3 for inflation. <br />Fou�c rnunic�, North St. Paul, New Brighton, Sti, Anthony and Roseville cur- <br />rentlq were the only agencies with suf�icient manpower and eqt�ipment to attempC <br />such an undertaking at thi:s time. IdenticaZ ag�eecnents are, �herefore, heing se�tC <br />to these �our agencies �aho-currenrZy are interested in thi.s propositi.on to varying <br />d.ebrees and for varyirig amoun�s of roadwaqs. Narth St. Paul` is considering approx- <br />imately 10 miles af roadwaqs, Ne�a Brightan just under �7 �niles, St. Anthony apgroxi- <br />mately '� mzle, and RoseviZl� 7 miles. If this agreement were reached, the County <br />would reimburse the City $2,284.75 on November I, 2R76, z'or sweeping these 7.03 <br />miles o� County raadways. The roadways involved in Rosevi.11e are as £oliows: <br />Roselawa £�o�n i3ale to McCarrons <br />Mc Carrons Bl.vd. No, from Raselawn Co Iiice <br />McCaxxons Blvd. Sb: irom Roselawn to Rice <br />Dale St. from T. H. 36 to So, Qwasso <br />OW2.S80 Blvd. So. irom Dale to Rice <br />Co�nty Road B-2 from Lexington to Ri�e <br />Coun�y Raad b froae Victoria to Lexi.ngtan <br />0.23 miles <br />0.87 miles <br />0.86 miles <br />1.27 miles <br />1.30 miies <br />2.Oa miles <br />0.50 miies <br />The selection of these roadways and these amounts of mi.leage for a one yeaX trial periad <br />is based on several criteri.a. <br />I. The Rosevi.Zle residents along these roadwaqs �,rouZd recefve a higher degree <br />a� s�rvice than currently exists. <br />2. Thzs service would be at an da�e than cou�d be provi.ded by the Cour►ty. <br />3o These xoadways are similar in nature �o the remai.n.der ai the <br />xoadways currently serviced by the �ity, namely residentiai: <br />�,. The road��ays are only 2 3.anes in width and do not carry haavy traffic volumes <br />thereby malcing them as safe as possible a�d upon wh�.ch to work. <br />5. In several. cases, they are alang or near bodies of water and it is desirable <br />to have these roadways cleaned as soan as poss�ble ta mini.muze pollution <br />affects of pdor raadway sureeping. <br />6. With the acquisitian of th� second street sweeper, it fs passible to no�� <br />provide added servi.ce to the citizens without materially affec�ing the service <br />to the remainder a� the city. <br />�f this arrangement doss not work out to the Ci�y�s satisfaction'1976, there is <br />