<br />Regular Meeting of �he City CoLmcil m Apri1 12, 197b.
<br />"The City Cor��i1 met on �the above date wi�h the fallowing
<br />mernbers present: Mayor I?�mos, Coun�ilmen Hess, Anderson,
<br />G�.rley and G�auel o
<br />Aml Hess Moved, Ande�son Seconded, that the minutes af the meetYng
<br />of March 29, I976, be appro�red with the foll.ow�ng amendment:
<br />Page 2, E�7 �hould r�e�d: "Anc�erson A7vved, Hess Seconded, that
<br />the City A�torney be instx°ucted to px°epare an ordinance amend-
<br />ing 5ec�ian 660310, Subdivision 4, of' the City Code hy decreaszng
<br />the annua.l water x°�tes fo�° user� having au�oma,tic spx°inkler
<br />systemso RQ11 Call, Ayes; Grauel, Hes�, Ander�an, Curley ana
<br />Dema�o Nays: Noneo"
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: He�s, �Incierson, Curley, Grauel. and Demoso
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />B-1 Gx°�uel l+h�ved, Curle� Seconded, that the request of Michels
<br />GonstY°uc�ion Company for final plat approval 'Tdichels Lake
<br />Park'p at. 2500 North Hamline Avenue be continued �til the
<br />meeting of Mayy 10, 197bo Roll Call, Ayes: I-iess, Anderson,
<br />Curley, Grauel a.nd Demos, Nay�: Noneo
<br />g°�Z Grauel PQoved, Curley Secon�ed, th�t �he request of Kenneth
<br />Reinhardt for final plat a�+�nroval "Ken Reinhard� Addition
<br />Noa 3" at about 907 Sherren be con�tinued unti]. the meeting
<br />of 1�1ay 10, 1976o Roll Call, A�es: Hess, Anderson, Curley,
<br />GraueZ and Demos, Nays: Non�a
<br />E-1 Cur�ley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Rose Marinelli's request
<br />�or prelam�.na� plat 'TMarinell� Addition" at 294Q 0].d I-I�ghway
<br />8 be appxav-ed and a pubiic hear�ng established on the f�na1
<br />plat for M�.y I7, 1976o R�11 Ca�.1, Ayes: Hess, Andersan,
<br />G�x�°1ey, Grauel and Demo� o N�ys ; None o
<br />E-2 Gr�ueZ Moved, Cur�ley Se�onded, that Jo ARo Duadlesron's request
<br />fo�° prelim�nar� pla� "Duddl.eston Lakeview" at 445 South Owasso
<br />Boulevard be �ppro�red �rrith �he condition that a 10 foot easement
<br />be pro�r�zded on Lat 1�o� sewe�° and water servYCes, and �hat a
<br />public hearing �n the �ina1 plat and vacation of right�of-way
<br />{Tu�°n.�tone Court) be established for May 17, 1976o Rall Call,
<br />Ay�s: He�s, Ande�°sony G�zr2ey, �r�auel and Demos, Nays: None.
<br />E-3 Anderson Moved9 Hess Seconded, �hat Day�on Hudson Corporation's
<br />reque�� fox° v�rzance to bu�lding setback at 1515 West County
<br />Road B be appro�red with the follow:ing cond�tions:
<br />la That a def�ned pedes��ian wa.lkway fram Co�ty Road B
<br />to the exist�ng s�.c�ewa�lk �n the southwestex°n corner of
<br />the Target Bu�lding be �onstz°uctedo
<br />2o That a bicycle �°ack be placed in the building entraxace
<br />Cil \.r�q
<br />7:30 P.M.
<br />r.nrNrEs
<br />KENNEI'H
<br />J. M. DUDD��STON
<br />