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ME�TiNG 4_Zb-76 <br />R�QI��ST ��� C��1�CtL � AC�'���i �AT�: <br />AGENDA SEC710N: ORIGlNATING DEPT./D{V.: <br />Repaxts �, R�comonenda�ions Adm <br />i TEM NO.: iTEM DESCRfPTION' �50�UtIOri x'@g1x'dlIlg s.uppor� of an <br />, �"',,,,,, � Opticom S;Tstem <br />DEPT. HE�4D,APPROVAL. <br />, ! <br />�I !/ � <br />MGfi. REVIEWED/itECQMMEI�DS. <br />I'}7e �ire Department is requesting that,the C;ounci� take action urging Ramsey <br />Coun�y to continue its support o£ the coLm�y-wide Opticom Syst�m.. As indicated <br />in the attached leitex from the Fire Chie£, �he system was propased approximately <br />thxee years ago. Since that time �he City has set aside �6,7�Q in anticipation <br />o£ the ir�lementation of �he system. These fimds are to be used for the purchase <br />of 12 opticom transm3ttors for the Police and Fire Departments. If the Cotmci.l <br />concurs with the kire Chief's reco�►e�clation �he �o�.zowing motion wotil.d be in <br />order: <br />CoLm.cil Action: Motion adopting resolution uxging Ramsey Gounty <br />suppart of an S}rstem. <br />