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CITY OF ROSEVZLLE <br />Regular ATeefiing of the Ci�.y Council -- April i9, lg7b. <br />The City Counci� met on the above date with the faZlowing <br />inembers present: Mayor Demos, Cvuncilmen Hess, Anderson, <br />Curley and Grauel.. <br />A-1 Curley Moved, Grauel 5econded, tha�. the minu�es of the <br />meeting oF April 12, ?975, be approved. Roll CaJ:l, Ayes: <br />Hess, Andexson, Curley, Grauel and Demos. Nays: None. <br />C-1 Hess Ma�.red, Anderson Seconded, that a CoLU�.ca.l. tivork sessian <br />be established for April 2b, 197fi, £ollawing the regular meet- <br />ing for the purpose of conduc�ing the City Nlanager's perfor�nance <br />review. RoII CaIJ., Ayes: Hess, Anclerson, Curley, Grauel and <br />Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-i Curley Maved, G�'auel Seconded, that Paul's Place Inn request <br />far. �emporary on-sale intoxicatzx�g liquor license for the <br />pexiod �2:00 noo�, April 24, �hrough 1:Od A.P�I., April 25, for <br />the Bzcentennial Toivn Gathering at the Rosedale 5hopping Center <br />Mall as authorized i� Minneso�.a Laws 1976, Ghapter lI6 be <br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Grauel <br />and Demos. Nays: None, <br />E-2 Grauel A�oved, Curley 5econded, that the Ci�y Attorney be <br />xnstru4ted to prepare an ardinance prohibi�in� non--handzcapped <br />ind.ividuals £xom parking in spaces designated £or and identi- <br />fied as being reserved for handicapped �i�izens. Rol2 CaJ.I, <br />Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Grauel and Demps. Nays: None. <br />Hess Move�., Anderson Secanded, that a building permit be isstzed <br />to Mr. Curtis Cargill at 3143 Sandy Hook Drive in accordance <br />�+rith the lalceshore zoning orc�inance. Ro�.l Call, Ayes : Hess, <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel and Demos. Nays: None. <br />Hess Moved, Anderson S�canded, that Cur�is Cargi�.1's request <br />for minor var5.ance to side yard setback at 3143 Sandy Hoak Drive <br />be approved. Roll Cal.l, Ayes: Hess, Andersan, Curley, Grauel <br />and. I�emo s. Nays : None . <br />E-3 Graue7. Moved, Curley Seconded, �hat Resolu�ion No. 636D accept- <br />ing feasibility repoxt on Project 75-20, Michels Lake Park, <br />and establishing May I0, 1975, as the date for publxc hearing <br />or� the necessi.ty of this zmprovement be adopted. Rol� Ca11, <br />Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Gxauel and Demos. Na.ys: None. <br />E-4 Curley Mo�red, Hess Seconded, that the A�ayor and Manager be <br />auY�iorized to sign the agreement between the City of Rosevi.l.le <br />and Ramsey County for the sweeping a� 7.Q3 miZes of county road- <br />ways fvr the year 1976 at a fee of �2,284.75 �o be paid by <br />Ramsey Co�ty. RoI1 Cal�, Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Grauel <br />and Demos. Nays: None. <br />7:30 P.M. <br />MINiI�'ES <br />ti�iORK SESSTON <br />TII�TPORARY <br />ON- SAT�F <br />iNTOXIC.4TING <br />LIQUOR LICENSE <br />PROPOSED <br />ORDIi�A\CE <br />CURTIS CARGILL <br />RESOLUi'IaN <br />N0. 6360 <br />AGREII�4Ei�1'T <br />STREET <br />StiVEEPIVG <br />